Monday, 4 October 2021

Eric gets an appointment.

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Why is a Monday so dull?

Maybe it's due to the Super Sunday snoozing your tail off that turns into 'Get Up Lazy, We Got Work'!

It was so nice snoozing on the bed, until in comes The Missus and drags me off the bed to go for the early morning walk!

I wouldn't mind but there was rain in the air and a wind blowing and trying to look like a hurricane!

Now, Erics leg was a little red last week and Old Two Legs got him into see the vet who agreed that another blast of the Cryo Pen was called for. Only problem was, he didn't have a Cryo Pen that was available for use. So, we got the 'Call back Friday' when the pen should arrive, which it didn't, but call again on Monday and see what we can do.

So, ring ring, ummm, errr, can you call Wednesday?

Then, an hour later, Ring Ring, we got the pen, call in tomorrow and we'll zap him while you wait!

OK, sorted!

Now, Eric was listening to all of that and got excited at the thought of losing the lump, not that it bothered him but it could develop into something nasty and he would rather get rid of it than let it grow!

In fact, he was so happy that he started to rattle the cage door which is his way of saying he wanted to come out for a walk at lunchtime.

When we got down onto the beach OTL released the lead off of Eric and he enjoyed a race along the hightide mark!

After that it was all downhill all the way back to the car.

We took the little car when we went out and getting back, he noticed that the new car had got a scratch on the door!

He is not sure if it will polish out with some T Cut but he was upset that someone had scratched somehow.

OTL is not a 'Happy Puppy'!

See you all tomorrow and keep your claws crossed for Eric.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.