Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Just look what water can do!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly & Snowflake here with you again!

Sorry we are a bit late with the blog today but Old Two Legs has been out most of the day doing some work and he didn't leave us with the password to get into the laptop!

He's back now and after a quick 'Hello' lick we were up stairs and pounding away on the keyboard!

Well, this morning when we got down to The Sea Wall, we had our normal sniff around and pretend to sniff rabbits and rats and other stuff. We got to the corner we turn to go along the Sea Wall Path and what a sight!

It looked like the path had been washed away by the beach!

I mean, no path, just pebbles!

Wot The ........????
OTL said that the sea had pushed the beach around a bit yesterday and had tossed the stones up onto the path!

We don't know how many tons of stones the sea moved but it sure did look impressive!

Tons & Tons & Tons!
 All our normal sniffs had gone, all our normal beach had all gone and even our sand hole where we bury our ball and dig it up again had gone!

The Sand Hole's Gone!
 A bit further on we found that the sea had scooped a load of beach up and spread it further back down the beach where we had just come from!

 Holly said that although the Sand Hole had gone under tons of beach, we had got a new on, just a bit further along the wall!

So we started a new hole!
 You know, a couple of years ago, the local council got men and diggers in to rearrange the stones on the beach. They dug a load up, took it down the beach and deposited it in a new place.

It took about two weeks for them to do the digging and about another two weeks for the men with the equipment to measure it to finish it all off.

It took about two hours yesterday for the sea to completely rearrange the beach again!

Not so powerful are we really?

OK, off we go, OTL has just been called for dinner, so we are off to do some mugging!

If we're lucky!


Daisy & Holly & Snowflake (Asleep in her bed!)