Thursday, 18 August 2016

Another day of paper shredding for OTL.

Hi Woofers!

We are back again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret!

Well, it has been warm and sunny down here with a balmy breeze just to keep the nose cool!

We do like this weather, it sort of make everything just right!

Even little April was having fun on the beach checking all the sniffs!

I'm sure it's a Nargle Trail!
 One thing I like is that no matter what is happening, us woofers have always got an eye on April to make sure she is OK.

May is always running back to give her a sisterly cuddle and when we are walking along the top path she always walks right next to her as if she is holding her up!

OK Sis, I'm still here!
 Lunchtime we left off the paper shredding 'cos the machine was getting too hot!

Old Two Legs has got loads of files to shred, I reckon he will still be at it next week!

The Dustbin Man will be in for a shock when he sees the number of bags there will be outside the house, all filled with shredded paper!

Lunchtime we were down the beach again and we timed it just right, the tide was in and right up the top of the beach!

It was a bit rougher than yesterday and the waves were crashing onto the beach. I couldn't make up my mind about going in for a dip. One moment I thought, 'Yes' then the next wave came crashing in and I thought 'No'!

Maybe or Maybe Not, that is the question!
 Fearless Freddy wandered down to the waters edge to get a better look at the waves and then after one got a bit too close said the I was 'On My Own' and scuttled back to OTL!

I'm not going any where near that lot!
 I then got all big and brave and tried a quick paddle but the waves came crashing in and tossed me back onto the beach!

Maybe Not!
 I could hear Holly Chops laughing her tail off and turned to look.

Of all the Bozo Woofers you take the biscuit!
 That was it, back to the car and home for a snooze!

See you tomorrow!

OTL is getting a Chinese Meal tonight so we should be in for some serious muggings!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.