Monday 22 November 2021


 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Well, what a day! It started off too early this morning, I mean, we were woken up by The Missus clumping up and down stairs in her effort to do some 'Organising' of her store room.

Of course, if I get woken up then I've got to pass it on, so Old Two Legs gets a 'Good Morning Lick' and he then wakes up!

Mind you, it was a good job 'cos Eric had an appointment with the vets this morning and his cage had to be all clean before setting off!

Eric went on his own with OTL as I have an aversion to vets, I mean, every time I visit, I get clipped, stabbed or generally interfered with!

It took an hour to get to the vets and Eric got invited in straight away, no waiting here!

This time OTL had brought with him the Ferret Oil and Eric was rolled onto his back while the vet inspected and the applied the Cryopen to the tumour on his leg.

Now that Ferret Oil must be powerful stuff 'cos Eric rolled onto his back and set about licking the bottle cap while the vet gave the tumour a good blasting with the pen. You know, Eric didn't wriggle at all and just lay back like some Roman Emperor being fed grapes by his slave!

Mind you, OTL does a good slave!

When he finished the tumour looked very red and sore but Eric, being a big strong lad just curled up in a ball and fell asleep on the way home.

He has to go back again in one week, so with a little bit of luck we could see some improvement.

Getting back late, OTL and I went down the sea front and did our two- and a-bit mile walk. It was windy and cold and to be honest, I would rather have gone the short way home!

It was high tide and the wind was blowing in off the sea threatening to wash us away!

So, after all that we managed to get home safe and sound.

I must admit to sleeping for most of the afternoon, you know that walk really whacks you out!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Sore Paw!