Monday 17 May 2021

We're surrounded by Hooligans!

Hello Woofers!

Us here, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret, Louie, Oscar and Alfie!

Sorry we didn't report in yesterday but we were sorting out our 'Pecking Order' and that is not only noisy it is a little fraught!

Holly and I are staying close to Old Two Legs while the 'Hooligans' have been cuddling The Missus, until Holly and I get up to stretch our legs and they jump up on OTL's lap!

Holly and I have been having fun as far as the food goes. The 'Hooligans' have their own food and biscuits which they have twice a day while Holly and I have ours in one lump once a day, well, that was the idea but the 'Hooligans' have been feeding on our food but Holly and I enjoy the change in diet by eating the 'Hooligans' food!

Mind you, they have taken to our 'Treats' but OTL chops the chew into three lengths and they get fed with that!

TM is getting up at her normal silly o clock in the morning and the 'Hooligans' are being instructed to 'Go To Bed' and when TM says 'BED' you know to obey!

Going out for a walk is fun. These 'Hooligans' have a big garden and don't need to go over farmland or common land like wot we do, so this walking on leads is a bit strange.

So, what we have is one hooligan on one lead while the other two are on a single lead with a Yoke to hold the other two, after that comes Holly and I who know how to behave but we are on one yoke and one lead and that's how we get across the field.

Once we are in the old golf course Holly and I get let off while OTL does some knitting with the yokes and leads so it ends up with each 'Hooligan' having his own lead so they can roam all over the place. The only problem is, the leads get tangled up and wrapped around OTL's legs and no matter how much leg waving and dancing he does, he still ends up getting tangled up!

Lunchtime isn't so bad, TM comes with us and holds onto one lead and a woofer while OTL has two of the 'Hooligans' on separate leads, still getting wrapped around his legs!

Holly and I are off the lead, so we are OK!

 That's TM in the distance with Oscar!

The picture is a bit rubbish but OTL was using the camera in the phone and being dragged along over the bumps!

Now, we are not saying that we don't trust these 'Hooligans' but it was decided that we wanted them in a place overnight where we could keep an eye on them! 

 OK, Form a line!

 We have to make sure that OTL doesn't step on them if he wants to go for a wee!

So, that's it at the moment, 'Hooligan Woofers' and ferrets running around the office complaining they don't have enough room to rampage!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret, Louie, Oscar and Alfie!