Wednesday 7 April 2021

It can only get better!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well Auntie Sarn, we have decided that you can keep the snow down your end of the world, you have the cold wet stuff and we'll have the sunshine and warm!

All this Hawthorne stuff that has blossomed of late looks all very pretty but today we spotted a real strange one!

Now, does this look like a strange one or wot!

Old Two Legs is still doing the paperwork and arguing with the accountant about Zero VAT and No VAT on invoices to the EU!

As I have said before, sounds really boring!

It hasn't been too cold here, just a gentle bleeze to keep the temperature low enough for OTL to wear a big jacket and a woolly hat! 

Chilly Sniffs!

After climbing the hill before the forest, we saw that the Cow Slips had all bloomed and were making a very pretty vista. Holly said that they sniffed super and OTL should have a sniff as well. That was until she remembered that OTL doesn't do flowers 'cos of his havfever!

Not good for anyone with a sniffy nose!

Now, OTL has booked up a caravan pitch up in Scotland where we have been before, you know, that one with a quarter mile sandy beach where if there is more than six TLs on the beach then it is overcrowded!

Well, being that it is Scotland there are loads of Ticks chomping away in the long grass and just waiting to get hold of us but OTL drips some anti-tick stuff on our shoulders which itches like mad for the first month but clears us of the nasty little things.

Today he has ordered up the prescription for my medicine and the Anti-Tick stuff for Holly and I and when the vet asked if they could supply the stuff OTL says that they are just too expensive!

That told them!

Mind you, I think we got pushed to the back of the queue 'cos they said they would send an SMS when it's ready which means it will be at least a week’s wait!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.