Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Bad news for Eric.

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

First the bad news, Eric has been diagnosed with what's called Mast Cell Tumour on his leg. The results came back from the biopsy that was taken on Friday and the laboratory came up with the results last night, too late for the blog!

Our vet said she didn't have any experience of Mast Cell Tumours in ferrets and could not see anything she could do except pass me onto the local 'Exotic Pet' expert in Maidstone.

So, we are now waiting for contact from them with a date to see Eric. Still, at the moment it doesn't seem to be bothering him so we are keeping our claws crossed.

Today has been rather gentle. Our walk this morning was a little damp but that was because of the overnight shower and we ended up with wet tummy’s but soon dried off on our beds!

Lunchtime was better, a gentle breeze and a walk down on the seaside. We stopped at the Two Trees and for a change, Old Two Legs took a picture!

Well, just look at that, Two Trees, a Bench and a Poo Bin!

Another thing we saw were some fungi, all in a circle just like a Fairy Ring!

Of course, we managed to arrive just at the right time and I was off like a streaky ferret and straight into the water to cool my bits off!


You just have no idea of just how cool this is!

 Of course, Holly stayed well away from the water, you know how much she hates water!

A bit further along the seawall we met up with Barney #3 who is a big wimp, just like Holly and he hates water as well!

Mind you, he does love OTL and always gets a 'Tail Tickle'!

 Yo! OTL!

  Further along the seawall there was a woofer making a load of noise and I got a little worried, that was until I found out it was a pack of woofers that included 'Bob' who wants OTL to throw a ball for him. Trouble is, one of the other woofers always gets there first and pinches the ball. So now OTL kicks the ball but only a short way away so Bob can get to the ball first!

Mind you, I went all the way around and came up to the woofers from behind but they didn't see me!

Crafty or wot?

Well, that's it for today, OTL joined a HMRC VAT Webshow wotssit and found out that he has been doing it correctly!

Who's a clever OTL?

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.