Monday 30 November 2020


 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Wot a damp, rainy, wet day!

There we were, looking forward to seeing Old Two Legs climbing ladders to clean another window frame or two of moss and fungus and what happened?

It rained!

Well, that was it, OTL doesn't climb in the wet so the fungus is still there on the window ledge!

Of course, being wet and rainy means, he leaves the camera at home, so, no pictures today, OTL doesn't like getting his camera gear wet!

It was the same at lunchtime only there was more rain that this morning, so, no camera and no pictures!

Eric is getting into a right pickle chasing Wendy around. He chases after her and when he gets close, she rolls onto her back, whacks Eric on the side of his head, rolls over and runs away again!

When he gets fed up with chasing, he runs off to worry OTL for a slurp or two of Ferretone. OTL is normally eating his breakfast of rabbit food and has to fight Eric off the bowl of rabbit food and milk. It's the milk that Eric is after but OTL spreads his hand across the bowl so Eric can't get to the milk.

OTL's milk isn't Lactose Free so therefore is not good for ferrets, just like Chocolate Chip Cookies which attracts Miss Wendy when she climbs up on the desk top!

She just loves the sniff but she doesn’t get a chance of getting into the pack that holds the cookies!

So, back to guarding duties and we will see you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.