Sunday 26 September 2021

Another Super Sunday!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

I do love a Sunday, especially a late snooze in bed before The Missus takes me out for an early morning stroll across the fields. After that it's another snooze while Old Two Legs gets ready to meet the day!

A walk down on the sea front was great and we managed to keep out of the brief shower that swept up the Thames.

I managed a roll in some sea weed and even a little dig on the beach as well!

After the beach we headed back home to watch the F1 Racing. It was exciting from start to finish and Lewis managed to get his 100th F1 win!

We've got a couple of weeks before the next race so I'll have to think of something else to do next weekend!

TM said that Sarn pointed out the new car licence plate started out with my initials DG (Daisy Godwin), now, you won't forget that in a hurry!

OTL has been busy on the computer so he hasn't been able to go out and mess about in the new car, mind you, the computer has been playing up so he has been thinking up new names for the computer!

 Erics paw looks a bit red today so OTL plans to get him back down the vets to see if he needs a second cryo whatsit to kill off the tumour. More news on that next week.

That's it for today, nothing too exciting, just a gentle day!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.