Thursday, 18 April 2019

A shortened walk this morning!

Hi Woofers,

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret here!

Well, what a day! To start off, we have been short changed! I mean, us woofers have a set time and place where we have our morning walks and wee's but today instead of our walk through the woods what happens?

We get a walk over the Farmers Field!

I mean, we haven't done that since we were Tiddly Puppies!

OK, so there were some different sniffs from strange woofers and a couple of cats but we definitely got short changed!

Lunchtime it was better, we headed down to the sea front and instead of going along the sea front Holly decided to go through the woods and set off at a pace leaving The Missus to chase after us!

Holly was diving in and around the trees and bushes and made sure that TM was following close!

I reckon that Holly could get her 'Pathfinder' badge 'cos she is so good!

We got a message down from Alun and Old Two Legs. Seems they have had a good day and OTL has been snapping away!

Osprey being chased by a crow!
 Seems they were given a tip on where there were a couple of Osprey nesting locally and the best place to see the birds was from the church graveyard!

The male brings a fish to the nest for the female!
 The fish wasn't very big but I suppose that if you get enough that will keep her happy!

OTL said that he and Alun went back to the RSPB site and told them all about the nest and the birds and finished the tale off with a burst of Nah, Nah, Nah!

While he was there OTL saw a squirrel munching away on some pea nuts that had been put out for the birds!

I think I've got a tummy ache!
See you all tomorrow and with a bit of luck, OTL should be home as well!

Bye for now!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret.