Tuesday 7 September 2021

OTL puts his finger in the dyke!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret are here!

Another super warm and sunny day here in North Kent. Being that it is so good Old Two Legs had no excuses and set about working on the pond. We had two choices; one was to remove all the earth from around the ponds edge. Then we would need to pack the rocks with earth and bring up the height of the edge and that way stop the water from leaking out of the pond.

OTL started digging but soon decided that was just too much earth to move, so, if we can't pack it underneath then we would have to pack it from above!

That's what we did and before long the leaking water stopped leaking and all the flogs that were hiding under the rocks were jumping out and flying off to the pond to escape OTL and his big shovel!

.....and you know what you can do with that shovel!

I suppose we managed to upset six flogs ranging in size from tiddly to quite sturdy, but the all headed for the pond as an escape!

 We are going to need a new electric pump and maybe a new solar panel!

Lunchtime was fun down on the sea wall. OTL didn't let me go in for a swim 'cos he didn't want my wet tail all over the car seats!

I had to put up with looking at the horizon and trying to make out Southend and the kebab shops!

The white bits are Southend on Sea!

While we were looking at Southend a RIB came tearing past us at some terrific speed. It had three outboard motors on the back and with little or no waves it was zooming along just off shore.

 It looked like some sort of official thing especially if you look at the Radar Dome on top together with the other bits of ironmongery on top.

Back home for lunch and OTL was given the afternoon off 'cos he felt 'Jaded' after heaving all those rocks around!

We should get the big car back tomorrow and then it's off to the auctioneers!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.