Hi Woofers!
It's us, back again, Daisy & Holly & Snowflake.
Well, it's been up and down today. We woke up good and early and got the news that The Missus had received a message on Facebook that Snowflake's owner had been found. So she asked that a message be got to him to say we think we had found his lost ferret, if he had lost one!
We sat back waiting for a telephone call, nothing. Then we heard that someone had gone to the house and left a note through the letterbox giving our contact details, nothing.
It's the Waiting that gets me! |
So, we are sitting here waiting for a telephone call. Just to be on the safe side, Old Two Legs has cancelled the Ferret Tower he had ordered yesterday. We still have some 'Ferret Stuff' like Cat Litter and Ferret Nuggets and Nail Clippers and some Malt Paste that ferrets are supposed to go potty for but so far Snowflake has turned her nose up at it!
We went for our walk along The Sea Wall this morning and had a go at Hunting Mouses but it wasn't the same 'cos we didn't know if when we got back Snowflake would still be there!
Well I can sniff Mouses but I don't fancy chasing them. |
We met up with Archie who was destroying a rubber ball that he had taken off a couple of terriers. 'If it was up to me', he said, 'I'd tell them that Snowflake has moved and not left a forwarding address!'
Just destroying this ball! |
It was at that moment that one of the terriers arrived and demanded the ball back, so OTL took it off Archie and gave it back to the owner who then put it in her bag, so no one got it!
Gissma Ball Back! |
Off we went back home and Snowflake was still there, so she was let out and had a run around the office and a roll in OTL's fleece which she really loves doing! Then she got a big dollop of minced beef which she loves, but not as much as raw chicken!
Like all of us after the meal she just curled up in her bed and went to sleep! Which was OK by us 'cos we did the same after a super chicken meal!
At lunch time we bumped into a couple of other dogs who said that Snowflake should stay where she was!
My vote is for Snowflake to stay! |
Oscar said that if we brought Snowflake out to The Sea Wall she would say hello to her and not eat her!
I'll talk to anyone! |
'Hey!' said Bella, 'When can we meet her?' I said that would depend on the phone calls and the vet and if she has her distemper injections!
When are we going to meet her? |
When we got back, OTL had a game with Snowflake and kept her running around the office and rolling around on OTL's fleece.
Every time the phone rang we all stopped and listened to who it was. There were no calls from who we think will call, instead it was people telephoning to find out what was happening!
Who's that on the phone? |
Snowflake just loves having a bit of a 'Rough House' on OTL's fleece and it's fun watching OTL spin her around and turn her over using his fleece. She doesn't yet 'Chuckle' as they are supposed to do when they are having fun but it is fun watching how OTL keeps his fingers away from her mouth!
Come on, let's have a nibble of your finger! |
She had so much running about that in the end she just lay down in one of the sleeves and stuck her nose out of the end and gave OTL the 'Hairy Eyeball!'
It's hard work having fun! |
Fingers crossed for Snowflake, I think that OTL is getting fed up with Snowflake's supposed owner lack of action so he may just say that Snowflake is staying and 'To Hell with It!'
Let's see what the morning brings!
See you tomorrow.
Daisy & Holly & Snowflake.