Sunday, 23 February 2020

Hop Along Holly!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Sorry about yesterday but we have been having some fun with Holly Chops! She has not been a good little puppy and we think she has pulled some of her stitches. We had a peaceful night, no whining like the night before but this morning when Holly went down stairs she had a limp.

Old Two Legs decided to remove the dressing and found nothing that would cause alarm, you know, legs falling off or buckets of blood, you know, stuff like that!

Through the day she has been out for a walk, on the lead, and gets the paw washed when she comes back and has pinched my teeth cleaning chew, so she can't be too bad!

OTL has kept the horrid collar on her, just to stop her licking the stitches. She is not too happy about that but puts up with it!

We are going back to the vet tomorrow afternoon for a check-up and maybe a fresh dressing but I don't suppose Holly will be happy with another dressing!

We are hoping that without the bandage the operation wound will dry and stop worrying her! 

Providing she doesn't jump around and hurts herself!

See you tomorrow with the results from the vet!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.