Monday 22 May 2023

Hayfever is here!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy back again.

Well, here is Monday again and we are back to work again!

OTLs back is getting better, not cured but getting better and bending down is a little easier as is getting back up again!

No woofers today 'cos we were up a little later than normal plus the wind was blowing off the sea which made it a bit chilly.

All the butterflies and insects were hiding in amongst the leaves so all OTL had to play with were the flowers, they waved a bit but at least they didn’t fly off!

Not sure about this one but it looked like it was interesting.


Slippy Cow.

This one we all know well, it's the Slippy Cow although TM reckons it is another species 'Slippy Bull’?

When I got out of the car at lunchtime I could sniff where Devo had been but as much as I could sniff of him, I just couldn't see him anywhere, maybe tomorrow I'll strike lucky!

TM and OTL are off to get stabbed tomorrow, it's another shot of the Covid stuff. At this rate they are being stabbed more times than me!

See you tomorrow.

