Here we are again, Daisy, Holly, Snowflake and Mr Brambles.
Well, we had plans for a fun day today, you know, a run through the woods and maybe a swim in the Swimming Hole in the New Park, followed by a run along the beach.
Then back home for a meal of Lambs Heart and an afternoon snooze while OTL gets on with the decorating.
The plans went out the window around three this morning!
Holly woke Old Two Legs up, she needed to get out into the garden 'cos she had a tummy upset. Possibly from something we sniffed or chewed on yesterday!
By the time OTL had done his morning exercise on the rowing machine I was getting the 'Grumbly Tum' as well. I told OTL that I needed to get out, like as soon as possible, even if it's seven fifteen!
That meant he didn't get his breakfast and the ferrets didn't get their morning run but they did get their milk 'cos OTL put it in their cage before taking Holly and me out.
We got down to the Sea Wall and I just managed to get into the long grass in time!
Phew! It was close!
Although we didn't have the ferrets with us we still had a good run and OTL managed to get a few shots of the sun climbing up over Sheerness!
Here comes the Sun! |
Good Morning Sheerness! |
Hey! This ones new! |
Off we went to investigate....................YUK! YUK! YUK!
Yep, you guessed Doggy Scoff!
We're getting the ferrets out tonight!
Talking of ferrets, OTL has got some 'Ferret Bits', they are a sort of 'Treat' which both of them just love! They are small squares of stuff filled with a malt type of middle, which they also love!
OTL gave one to each of them and Snowflake went off and crunched her way through hers and was having a super time.
Mr Brambles on the other hand managed to get his stuck between his teeth in the roof of his mouth and was doing some strange waving of his head to try to dislodge it, without success. OTL spotted this head waving and picked Mr Brambles up, opened his mouth and prised the offending treat out. Trouble was, he left his finger in Mr Brambles mouth just half a second too long and as his jaws came together one of his fangs buried it's self into OTL's finger!
Mr Brambles finished off the treat first then climbed up OTL's shirt and gave him a lick on his nose to say 'Thanks and Sorry' all at the same time!
Lunch time we all went out together and the ferrets had a super time digging in the grass and trying to chase Holly!
Well, I reckon it's a Weasel! |
Just pretend you don't see them! |
Just how silly do they think we are? |
Come on, back to the car! |
We all had a good afternoon watching the F1 on the TV and snoozing!
The Missus has just come in after her Crop and was all full of a 'wonderful day' with her 'Glue & Glitter' girls.
Whatever turns you on!
So, we're off to do some mugging 'cos we can sniff meat being cooked, so that means goof muggings tonight!
How is Archie Babe? Did he do a Cocoa and take a lump out of the vet or did he succumb to the 'Foody Bribes!
See you tomorrow and let's hope the rain stays away, we need the sun!
Bye for now,
Daisy, Holly, Snowflake and Mr Brambles.