Hi Woofers!
Daisy & Holly here with you again.
We have had a funny old day today. First of all we got up good and early and Old Two Legs gave us our birthday presents, there was loads of tasty nibbles, enough to spoil our appetite all day!
Then we got brand new collars! They were black as before, with bones, just like before but new and Holly got one a size bigger. That's because she has almost outgrown her collar, putting on weight and growing thicker fur!
When we went out for our walks we were showing them off to everyone!
OTL had promised to take us down to Canterbury but we had to put that off, you see OTL has got an infected ear which got worse last night and was giving him loads of pain. He even had to go to the emergency Two Legs Vet to get some penicillin tablets to make him better!
You know, when OTL goes to the Two Legs Vet, he doesn't have to pay for the medicine or the consultancy fee, which is just as well 'cos to be in pain AND have to pay the vets bill would be more that OTL could stand!
He has spent most of the day curled up in a ball and we have been giving him cuddles. He says it shouldn't be too long before he feels well enough to take us out to Canterbury, so, we have taken a 'Rain Check' on the day out!
OK, we are off to bed now to give him some more cuddles and have a chew on a carrot I have stashed away under my blanket!
Bye bye for now.
Daisy & Holly (All grown up)!