Sunday 27 August 2023

Getting closer!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, I have been keeping OTL going today. We have been out      removing the stinging nettles and bits of the ivy. The rocks have been piled up along the path as well as around the big urn where the ferrets and Holly are sleeping. We are waiting for the water feature to arrive and with a bit of luck that will clear the green algal that is discolouring the water.

If the water feature doesn't clear the water, then we have to sourced a bottle of jollop that claims to clear the water!

OTL is getting right lazy in the mornings, we were up almost an hour later today and missed all the other woofers we normally see.

You know we were so late we only caught Speedy Sid as he was jumping over the fence post.

Morning Lads!

You know, we were so late the sun had got up and was heading towards midday!

That lot is heading off to Holland where the F1 race will get cancelled because of the rain!

We have got to adjust the rocks tomorrow; TM reckons there is one rock that looks 'Out of Balance'!

After that it is down on OTL's knees and start picking away at the weeds on the path!

Bye for now.

