Thursday, 8 July 2021

I just Love a Splosh!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret again!

Well, we haven't heard anything from the 'Specialist Vet' so Old Two Legs is going to give them a call first thing tomorrow morning.

It's all very confusing this Mast Cell Tumour, we got one load of vet who say the lump should be cut off as soon as possible while another load of vets says that with ferrets, the Mast Cell Tumour will more than likely be benign!

Just who do we believe?

Trouble is, it’s not bothering Eric who is mor interested in a slurp of Ferretone and a chicken strip treat that are supposed to be for woofers!

Now, you know that Holly has had a grumbly tum recently, so the main topic of conversation when we come back from a walk is the shape, size and consistency of Hollys poo!

Well, I have to report that today all is well and her poo is now the correct size, shape and consistency as well as sniffing like wot it should be!

That also goes for the lunchtime walk when it was agreed that Holly was a lot better!

Lunchtime we met up with Bob who had been given a paddle to fetch and carry. The tennis ball would get pinched by his mate who was much faster than Bob, plus OTL could manage to toss the paddle to where Bob could get it first!

 Here you are OTL and not too far this time!

 After leaving Bob I headed straight to the sea wall 'cos I knew the tide would be in and it was just..................



 Southend on Sea looked all clear today but the kebab sniffs were being blown away up country so no sniffs for us today!


 Look, Southend on a good day!

 OTL found a bit of a stick and was throwing it in the water for me. That was great and a little while later I had a good roll in the sand and of course the sand stuck to my wet coat and I was in trouble again!

 A sailing boat came past us against the wind which seemed a bit strange but Holly said that it was 'Tacking' which sounded like something you could get in trouble with but it was working anyway!

 Windy old weather, Stormy old weather, when the wind blows, we'll all pull together!

 Friday tomorrow, the start of the weekend, can't wait!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.