Saturday 8 October 2022

A Short Days Report.

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Well, today has been all rush and tear. It started first thing this morning when Old Two Legs woke up five minutes late and rushed off to the bathroom waking me up as he bounced off of the bedroom door!

Being half asleep we headed off to the sea front, forgetting the camera. Mind you it wasn't any problem 'cos it made a change to be without a camera, instead he dug the tennis ball from under the car seat and we enjoyed a game of 'Chase'. 

Being a little late all the woofers we would normally meet were weeing, woofing and way ahead of us so all we saw was a couple of tails wagging in the far distance!

One benefit is that I can have a poo without a load of woofer running around me like Red Indians encircling a wagon train!

Back home we sat down to watch the F1 Qualifying which was rather boring as the normal winners were in their normal finishing places and unless there is some mighty big upset, they will end up crossing the finishing line in the same order as they started!

We were expecting some rain here today but somehow it all faded away and now we are expecting some rain tomorrow.

Don't hold your breath, I reckon the rain will fade away until Monday and you know what happens on Monday!

Promise of rain and then, diddly squat! 

The only thing that is planned for next week is the arrival of the dishwasher engineer to call on Tuesday to fix the dishwasher but OTL is preparing himself for those fatal words. 'I can't do anything with this mate, best buy a new one.



 Not a woofer to be seen!

See you all tomorrow.

