Sunday, 23 June 2019

Another Hard Day!

Hi Woofers!

Us again, McDaisy, McHolly, MacMay, MacWendy, Eric McFerret and Monty MacFerret!

You know this holiday lark is such an effort! I mean what is a woofer to do when after a hard run up and down the beach only to find your paws feel like they're on fire?

That's Better!
 Mind you, Holly Chops has the same problem but with a different solution, damp sand!

Cool damp sand and a few wormies casts to tread on!
 Well, that Holly has always been sneaky!

We took Old Two Legs off to the far end of the beach where there were some rocks he could sit on and have a rest, stretch his arms and just enjoy the peace and quiet.

A Peaceful view of our very own beach!
 Well, that was the idea but all of a sudden there was this thumping sound and a load of Two Legs came stomping past, puffing and blowing and sweat dripping off their noses! I mean, they weren't chasing and rabbits, none of them had a woofer on a lead for a 'Fast Walk'!

I mean, they had all gone potty!

The one in yellow stroked the ferrets this morning and she didn't seem potty then!
 Over the next fifteen minutes a load more came plonking by. Some seemed to be enjoying the run while others looked as though they were going to explode! There was one TL who got as far as the stream and knelt down and shoved his head in the water! I mean, there is a limit to this running thing!

Just too many messing up our sand holes!
 When we got back we found The Missus had got out all her three and a half ton of glue, glitter, paint and stuff and was working on The Journal project which is the next project up at the Village Hall!

We thought she said that she would be working on two projects, if so, why is there so much stuff!
 All the ferrets went out for a run today and enjoyed themselves in and amongst the grass, plus, Eric found some rat holes he wanted to investigate but OTL was afraid he might get lost!

 The afternoon was spent snoozing and watching the F1 racing, well most of the race. OTL had problems with his phone, the broadcaster kept telling OTL his subscription had run out!

You know, these TL's can get right upset when they find an electric gizmo won't work and OTL is no different!

He does so rant and rave!

In the end he sorted it out but by then he had missed the start of the race which is always exciting to watch!

Right, we are off to make a nest out the bed, just like Archie Babe, but the ferrets love making a bed out of the bathroom mat, well, ferrets have always been a bit strange!

See you tomorrow!


McDaisy, McHolly, MacMay, MacWendy, Eric McFerret and Monty MacFerret!