Monday 24 May 2021

Today has been a little boring!

 Hello Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

Now, all this rain we have been having over the last few weeks is really boring. I mean, there we are all ready for our morning walk, all sunshine and balmy breezes but as soon as we get to the old golf course, down comes the rain!

This morning Eric decided he would join us for a walk and as he got ready to charge off into the grass, down came the rain and Eric got wet!

Mind you, so did Old Two Legs, Holly and I!

When it got to lunchtime Eric kept his nose under the blanket in his bed and pretended to be asleep!

We thought that lunchtime would be a repeat but we managed to stay dry for almost all the walk. Holly kept looking behind her at some rain clouds that were heading our way and giving a good impersonation of a hurricane heading over the hills!

There's a big one hiding behind the Two Trees!

I had managed to get down onto the beach for a sniff and a small roll in something that felt like a mouldering crab!

Well, it looks like a crab and it sniffs like a crab, so, it must be a crab!

OTL chased me off the crab which was a good thing 'cos just as we got to the hill, the rain started to come down on us!

A quick dash to the forest and we were under the trees which managed to keep the rain off us.

We have been getting loads of plant growth on our drive and also in front of the garage. Today OTL filled up the spray can and loaded it up with some nasty weed killer and headed for the garage.

Now, he poured the weed killer over the stuff in front of the garage door and then on the growth on the drive and on a couple of strange looking plants on the path at the side of the house.

Now, you are supposed to water the plants and leave it to soak into the green bits and dry in the sun. Well, what happened?

Yep! It rained and washed all the weed killer off the leaves and down the drain!

I can see OTL having another got on Wednesday when to is forecast that the sun will shine and the rain will have gone!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.