Tuesday 23 April 2024

A Full House!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here!

Guess wot?

Three Woofers, One Sniff!

It was great this morning, I got to the sea side and met up with not only Devo and Zoro but all the Lads as well, all heading to the shore!

I think it's the first time we have all met up at the begining of a walk.

That's Hugo in the foreground!

You can tell by the clouds that today is not one of the best of the 'Sunny Days'!

OTL started taking shots inside the forest but in the end they all started looking the same, like green!

We still had fun sniffing around but Devo and Zoro kept getting tangled up in the Alexander. It was fun to begging with but in the end, Devo got fed up and headed back to the path!

It was then that we parted company and I headed off back to the car and looking forward to a snooze in my Day Bed!

Bye all, see you again soon!

 Back home I headed off for a snooze and a nibble of a pealed carrot before having a game of 'catch the ball' in the lounge with OTL!

See you tomorrow.

