Sunday 10 January 2021

Cold innit?

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

and me, and me!

OK, and Rocky Chops!

A super shot of Rocky looking to get into mischief!

Mind you, when we went out first thing it was not the best conditions!

Frosty or wot!

It was a good job we had our sheep skin jackets on and the ground was frozen, remember icy means Holly doesn't sink in so much!

Old Two Legs decided he would look for some frozen pine needles and icy spider’s web.

No chance, not even one web and the pine needles have antifreeze in the needles, so, no icy bits!

So, what did he do? Yep, he went looking for the weeds!

Now, that's better!

Then we hit a problem, there seemed to be loads of long grassy bits and very few weedy bits, so, OTL being a first-class photo buff switched over to birds and managed to spot a Lapwing which OTL insisted on calling a Peewit!

Peewit having a wee!

Not to be out done, there was a Magpie flying around in circles looking for something to eat, so, here is the action shot!

........and the wing is in focus!

It was a pity that he didn't have his eye open, but you can't have it all!

Look, my eyes are open!

There was a Collared Dove on the fence on our way out but they are not exactly a rare species!

Now, it we had a Golden Eagle, that would have been summat!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.