Tis' Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles here again!
After yesterdays excitement we have had a gentle sort of day today. Old Two Legs took the ferrets out for a long run up and down the camp site and was Oooo'd and Arrrr'd by everyone who was out of their caravan.
Miss Snowflake was even getting a bit scared of all the attention and climbed back into the Ferret Bag until the coast was clear!
Mr Brambles didn't mind, he just showed them his teeth when they got too pushy with their fingers!
Back in the caravan OTL said he would have some breakfast before taking us out, we didn't mind 'cos that means we can finish off out 'After get up Snooze'!
The ferrets didn't mind either 'cos that means they can share breakfast with OTL!
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OK, I'm off to drink his milk! |
After that was finished and the ferrets moved to their 'Outside Quarters' we headed off to the Moors with OTL.
We had a great time sniffing for rabbits and found a hole that just oozed rabbit sniff but we couldn't see any rabbits!
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Maybe we should have brought the ferrets with us! |
It was good that we found a seat to have a rest on, even if it made our leg joints a bit stiff afterwards!
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Was that an Eeee-Be-Goom? |
Then all of a sudden a Black Grouse exploded from the heather and went zooming over our heads!
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He's flying a bit low! |
This afternoon we went out to get some shopping and on the way back, we stopped off at the local forest for a run. OTL reckons it will be good for us to get off the lead every so often!
Well, it was great, loads of sniffs for us and fungi for OTL and birds for The Missus!
OTL spotted this spider resting on its web waiting for dinner to arrive, a sort of Pizza Express Home delivery, but on legs!
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Dinner, Here, Dinner Dinner! |
I was off!
TM called me but I didn't hear her, OTL called me but I went sort of deaf, but I could now hear the rabbit!
It was about half an hour later that OTL found me, in the middle of the dense forest, digging for all I was worth, trying to get the rabbit to come out and play again!
OTL was not amused!
Nor was TM!
Holly wanted to know if I got the rabbit!
So, off we went back to the caravan where I got a wash in cold water to get the forest earth from off my muzzle!
I mean, cold water!
Still, it could be worse!
See you all tomorrow!
Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.