Thursday, 20 June 2019

Today we are getting the Camp Site in order!

Hi Woofers!

McDaisy, McHolly, MacMay, MacWendy, Eric McFerret and Monty Mac Ferret here in rainy/sunny Scotland!

Well, there are some Two Legs in this world don't appreciate a woofer with Green Claws! I mean, there he was, helping out with his vast experience and making sure the planty things don't get into trouble and wot thanks does he get?

If it was me, I'd wee over the strawberries just when they get ripe!

Here in sunny Scotland we have been introducing ourselves to the local woofers by threatening them with a Southern Woofer Welcome if the disturb our holiday and the other woofers on site also get a warning if the pass our caravan too closely when they are heading off for a wee!

I've spotted a couple of rabbits and chased after them through the camp site until they disappeared into the brambles!

That's them sorted!

We were up bright and early this morning, mainly because the ferrets snoring woke us up!

Our next job was to wake The Missus to give us our morning walk in the Scottish Sunshine!

A Warm and Sunny Scottish Morning!
 It wasn't too long before the sun shone through the rain and a super Rainbow appeared just behind the camp site!
We couldn't find the pot of gold!
 The instructions for parking the caravan and car plus on which side to have the awning are strictly enforced. OTL had trouble parking the caravan 'cos there was a fire extinguisher in the way, however, OTL came up with the answer, he moved the marker post to the middle of the caravan!

All parked up proper like and TM is about to hang the curtains!
 While OTL cleans the cages, the ferrets get the run of the caravan and Miss May has her medicine and stuff. After that she has her run around and even chases Eric under the door and into the loo!

Good gun especially when TM is using it!

OK, I'm coming, ready or not!
 When Wendy and Monty were let out there was chasing and rampaging all over the place!

A bit of a blurred shot but it was without flash and inside the van!
 Once the van was sorted and the ferrets returned to their cages, Holly and I headed for the beach again. The sky looked like it was going to brighten up but half way through the walk we had to head back to the van again, too much rain!

Yep! Here it comes again!
 TM has started on the first of her two 'Projects' and OTL was commanded to help her take all the stuff she needed out of the caravan and into the awning.

There was loads of stuff, I mean OTL's arms were aching bu the time he finished, and he has to take it all back tonight!

OTL reckons he may be lucky and get the moth trap out over the weekend, that should be fun, Highland Hawk Moths!

See you tomorrow!


McDaisy, McHolly, MacMay, MacWendy, Eric McFerret and Monty Mac Ferret!