Friday 21 July 2023

F1 This weekend.

 Hi Woofers.

Daisy here.

It's strange that all of the doggy walkers everyone, including us, gets put on a lead to stop us sniffing amongst the caravans!

Lead me on Daddy!

There has been a breeze blowing so most of the insect life has been hiding in the bushes.

Even with the wind blowing a stiff breeze, the Wild Sweet Pea plants were the only things that stood still enough to take a photograph!

We don't know what this is called, but it looked good!

This looked good especially with the light to one side.

OTL managed to get the sun light behind us and it looked bright.

OTL is thinking of upgrading the program to edit the photograph with such things as Focus Stacking!

Whatever that is!

Just to mix it up a bit with the three colours and a bit of grass.

I left OTL to walk down the main path while I ferreted around the hole in the bushes where the groundsman dumps the grass cuttings and branches.

It's a long way down!

I'm not going down there!

Back home OTL was playing with the camera controls and the flash unit.

Forget the photo, I want to go for a walk!

We have the F1 racing this weekend and this afternoon we are watching the practice.

Bye for now.

