Monday 3 April 2023

Monday, Monday!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy back again!

Guess what? I woke OTL up good and early this morning, in fact it was still dark when we woke up and, on our way, managed to get a shot of the sun above the gas containers!


By the time we got to the sea front the sun was up and it managed to hide behind a bank of cloud.

The tide was out so there was no chance of a paddle!

I wonder if the mud is warm and squiggly!

There was no one out there at all to have a sniff and we jogged along the sea front!

Lunch time was a bit better, we bumped into a couple of hairy sheep dogs. One was only interested chasing a ball but the other had a great with me chasing around in a circle.

It's funny that I don't get on with little woofers but give me a husky, sheep dog or a big hairy arsed woofer and I'm game for a laugh!

There was a tree with seed pods that OTL thought maybe a hazel. We will have to see what the summer brings.

I hope it is a hazel tree, OTL will be able to eat hazel nuts, providing he gets to them before autumn time!

The tree leaf buds are bursting now and it won't be long before the leaves will be waving in the wind.

The pigeons have been flapping about and I've even seen a couple flying around with a twig in their beaks, looking for a suitable tree to build a nest in.

We had a Jackdaw in the garden munching on the fat balls and in doing that managed to scare off all the other birds!

The frog spawn has taken on a funny hue and I can't see any tiddly tadpoles, I must take a better look tomorrow.

By for now.

