Wednesday 27 April 2022

We see the squirrel again!

Hello Woofers.

It's Daisy here again.

I don't know about you but it has been a bit chilly here in North Kent. In fact, it has so chilly that The Missus said she wouldn't come out with us this morning 'cos she was too busy with her crafting stuff and she wanted to do another video.

Only problem was, she didn't do a video and she has spent most of the day sitting on the sofa with her Scottish Shawl wrapped around her!

Old Two Legs and I went off on our own as usual, him walking and me sniffing!

Now here is a new sniff!

We saw some other woofers but they were too far away to even bother to shout hello!

Looking at the sky I didn't fancy hanging about and risk getting rained on!

Well, there's no White Horses but the wind has an edge to it!

When we got to the forest, OTL spotted that squirrel again. He wanted to get a closer shot than the last one but the crafty squirrel kept on hiding around the other side of the tree trunk!

All we saw was its tail gripping the branch!

Sneaky squirrel!

Being so chilly, I decided not to bother going out in the garden to chase the birds, instead I climbed up onto OTL's lap and enjoyed a very pleasant after lunch snooze!

See you all tomorrow and keep your claws crossed for some sunshine!

