Wednesday 31 July 2019

Strange Sea Vessel!

Hi Woofers!

Us here again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!

We have been having some fun today. It started off with young Monty de Ferret. You see, these ferrets have all got a 'Thing' about rubber or spongy stuff!

Eric goes bananas over a 'Smoothy' and it's not the icy thing you drink! Miss May goes potty over convalescing powder and Wendy just loves dog food, especially the Brambles Biscuits!

Now they seem to be able to get everywhere they shouldn't and steal everything they fancy!

There was Old Two Legs cleaning cages when he heard a crashing sound, it was Eric throwing the empty 'Pet Disinfectant' off the top of his cage. It seems he wanted to get down to floor level where there was some Lactose Free Milk left in the bowl and he would rather get down by climbing onto OTL's shoulder than sliding down the cage wall!

Hey! Gissa Lift?
We saw a funny looking ship out on the River Medway this morning, it looked like a barge with a couple of Hi-Ab cranes hanging off the ends. Dunno what they were doing but you could bet that if the ferrets saw that they would want it!

Keep and eye open for Ferret Pirates!
The sun couldn't make up it's mind this morning and was making some interesting cloud patterns in the sky.

..........and just above you can almost see the sun!
Lunchtime was better, the sun came out but the wind was still blowing, so, all the insects were hanging onto the branches and grass, trying not to get blown out to sea!

No, I 'aint moving until the wind drops!
In amongst the trees it was better but the only insects were the Hover Flies hovering under the tree branches.

One this we did see was the ring of seats for the Two Legs to sit on, not that we have ever seen any of them sitting on the seats, mind you, it could be because there were no backs to the chairs and they would fall off!

Well, how about sitting on the floor and leaning against the seat? Well, it was just a thought!
 Next week Miss May is off to the vets again to see about her tail and both Holly and I are going to get pushed, pulled and then stabbed! Of course that means OTL will be crying all the way home!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!