Monday 11 November 2019

Soggy Monday!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Today has been one of those Mucky Mondays when you just wish Tuesday would hurry up and arrive!

Old Two Legs has been in discussions with the Accountant man and has spent all afternoon on the computer trying to produce a 'Template' so he can send bits of paper electronically instead of sending what he calls PDF files.

Sounds like a waste of woofing time to me!

Out this morning we found a Grain Rock on the bench by the side of the football field, so click click and then reposition it on a concrete post!

This bench gets cold at night!
 There's an oak tree growing by the side of the path and it seems that the leaves have turned yellow over night!

It changed almost over night!
 Eric and Wendy were having a 'Rough 'n' Tumble this morning when they were let out of the cage. Although it was a bit rough and there was the occasional squeak from Wendy you could say that they were actually playing!


OTL didn't feel he could trust them both in the travelling cage at the same time so today it was Eric's turn to come out for a run. The wimpy ferret tried to spend all the walk tucked up inside the ferret bag!

OK, I'll come out when we get to the forest
 Before the forest we tried to get him to have a dig in the sand on the beach but he couldn't get enough enthusiasm to dig even one hole!

I just don't want to dig, it's too cold!
 Poor Eric, he just doesn't do cold!

The good news is they are cuddling up and things look super!

See you all tomorrow when the weather will be better (we hope) and OTL may have worked out how to do the 'Templates'


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.