Wednesday 13 May 2020

Back to Work?

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

We are not back to sunshine and warm breezes but at least it wasn't raining!

The clouds were sitting up there looking all wet and windy but in the end it didn't and later on this afternoon we even saw some sun!

Crowded innit?

Now, what's all this limping for sympathy? Don't you know that a bee sting isn't poison! It's only a sharp stab which makes you jump, I mean, I chase bees and catch them in mid-air then spit them out again!

Now it's the wasp's that got the poison and they hurt like hell! In fact, I don't go anywhere near them!

Old Two Legs has been busy today getting some stuff programmed and boxed up, that means he hasn't got time to play with us but we did have some fun at lunchtime. I reckoned it was time we went on our walk and he wanted to play on the computer. so, I started to 'Talk' to him and blow me down but didn't he start talking back to me!

That was it, we were both Ooo'ing and 'Grrr'ing and 'Yowling to each other which was an absolute scream!

Who said these TL's haven't got a sense of humour!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.