Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Still no Ball but, You can't beat a good swim!

Hello Woofers!

Here we are again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret!

Miss May is desperate to find the rubber ball we buried a few days ago, we have been digging holes all over the beach and now it looks like the surface of the Moon!

Well, I can't sniff it and I'm not going any further down!
I started on another hole and there was May, sticking her nose in and telling me how to dig holes!

OK, OK, Now pat the sides!
In the end Holly and I gave up and headed back to the car!

Miss April decided she didn't want to stay in the bag and she didn't want to walk, so she settled down in the crook of Old Two Legs arm and watched the world go by!

Lunchtime Wendy and Fred came out with us and in their Ferret Bag was another rubber ball, the one from a couple of days ago!

I was in the water chasing it while Freddy stood by the shore waiting for me to come back with it!

You know Freddy even managed to get his paws wet when the wave crashed onto the bit of beach where he was standing!

This is just Super!!!

We headed back to the car but when OTL stopped for a little girl to give Wendy a stroke, I headed off to the water again for another swim!

OTL gave a whistle, but I took no notice and carried on pretending there was a stick out there for me to find!

OTL put Holly and the ferrets back into the car and made sure they all had a drink, then came hunting for me!

There I was, having a little slosh about when these two Bozo Woofers came running along the beach towards me!


OTL seemed to know them and called to them in his 'Doggy Voice'. They stopped being interested in me and instead went off to see OTL who gave them both a tickle behind their ears, just to show that we were all friends!

They weren't my friends, but at least OTL took their attention away from me!

Then I was back on the lead and marched back to the car!

I got a rub down with one of our Doggy Towels and then again when I got home!

It was time to find a snoozing position for all of us, except OTL who is finishing off the bathroom floor. Well, someone has to do it!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Bozo's and Buzzy Things!

Hi Woofers!

It's us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret!

It has been rather warm today, first thing it wasn't too bad but lunchtime it was just too hot to take Fred and Wendy out so they have been snoozing their tails off in the shade of Old Two Legs office!

It was a bit misty first thing and Holly said it wasn't mist, it was 'Heat Haze'.

Whatever it was, it was fuzzy around the edges!

Fuzzy or Hazy?
 Miss May decided to have a dig and see if she found the ball, which she didn't!

You never know, I might get lucky!
Now, on the 7th September the chimney stack from the Grain Power Station is due to be demolished with a ton and a half of Gelignite, which should either make it fall over or down or send it into space!

We made OTL stop by the side of the road to take this shot just for old times sake!

Not long now!
 OTL has been busy with paperwork 'cos it is coming to the end of the month. He says it is dead boring and is glad when it is finished!

Lunchtime it was too hot for Fred and Wendy so Holly and I got a run on the beach without having to wait for the ferrets to catch us up!

Well, first thing we did was to bump into a right hairy Bozo of a woofer!

Going by the name of Kyle, this 'ere woofer just wanted to take my stick away from me every time OTL threw it into the sea for me to chase!

I say, that looks like a nice stick!
What this Bozo didn't realise was that no one comes between my stick and me!

This Bozo lunged at the stick just as I got to shore but instead of a stick all it got was a row of Barred Fangs too close to it's nose!

Well, I don't suppose the Bozo had ever had a telling off like wot it got when it tried to grab my stick but let's say that I wasn't troubled any more!

That's a Bozo Taught a lesson!
 We moved off down the beach to where it was a bit quieter and not so many woofers. Holly was enjoying herself by sitting on the beach catching a few rays while I chased a ball about that OTL had found on the beach!

This is the life!
 These tennis balls are a little hard to grab with my ting mouth and there are sometimes when I have to drive it under the water to get my teeth around it!

I don't mind putting my head under water but it is a bit of a pain when the water goes up your nose!

I wonder if I could breath through my ears?
 When we had finished OTL hid the ball under the grass so we can find it tomorrow, unless some lucky woofer finds it before me!

One thing about a swim that I do enjoy is getting dry on the grass. Rolling around and drying all the drips off my back plus a good wriggle in the flowers is just perfect!

Wriggling Good Fun!
 As we got close to the car park OTL spotted a fly resting on a leaf. It was a golden brown colour so he reckon it was worth at least one photograph, which was just as well 'cos the noise of the shutter scared it off!

Just Buzzing around!
We decided to have a snooze this after noon 'cos The Missus was making such a noise clearing out the shed. She reckons to have cleared at least fifty spiders out of there not to mention the bikes and old fishing rods and tackle!

We all had to stand there with the door open and go Ooooo! and Arrrrrrrr! and say wot a wunderful job she has made of it!

Now let's see what sort of job she does with out dinner!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.

Monday, 29 August 2016

We Got a Ball But No Water!

Hi Woofers!

We're back again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret!

It has been a bit cooler here today in North Kent. The good thing is that there is no rain!

Old Two Legs was up late this morning so we all got another half an hours snoozing time!

That meant we missed all the lads on the Sea Wall but we did get some time to play in the sand!

I was sure I remembered where I'd left the ball so Holly and I joined together to form a 'Two Woofer Digging Machine' and we showed Miss May how we can shift sand! 

Yeah, OK, but have you found the ball yet?
 Holly and I dug three holes, one where I thought the ball was and one where Holly thought it was and just to keep her quiet, one where May said it was but......................

It ain't here either, is it?
In the end we all gave up looking and Miss April, from the comfort of the ferret bag, said that were it not glued on properly we'd all more than likely loose our tails!

Going on our results, she's more than likely right!

The tide was coming in but we decided to go home 'cos OTL is still working on the bathroom floor and we are learning new technical words that OTL uses when the tile gets put down and pointing the wrong way!

Lunchtime it was Fred and Wendy's turn down on the beach.

The tide had come in and was now retreating at speed towards the horizon!

Not that it worried us 'cos we had more time for digging!

No water to swim in!
 Holly and I got going on another hole but were not very successful in our Ball Hunt.

This is getting embarrassing!
 Then we heard Freddy call out, 'Guess Wot We Found?'

There he was with the ball!

Look Wot I Got!
That was just too much, a blooming ferret digging a hole and finding our ball! Holly noticed it first and asked where the hole was that the ball came from?

Freddy said he had filled it back in 'cos it was dangerous to leave a hole that deep on the beach where anyone could fall in and never be seen again!

I started to smell a rat or better still, a ferret rat!

The ball was all clean and dry and looking too new!

Me? Sneaky Ferret? Never!
No matter how hard he tried Freddy just couldn't keep a straight face and we could see by his twitching whiskers that he was up to his tricks again!

It seems that OTL got the ball out of the ferret toy box, took the squeaker out and tucked it into the ferret bag. Wendy found it when she wriggled into the bag and sat on it. It didn't squeak, so she told Freddy who decided to play a trick on Holly and me!

Crafty little ferrets!

Now wot's all this about Grubby Butts? Getting rushed off to the vets late at night is seriously bad!

When OTL decides to take Holly to the vet we get a syringe full of stuff called  Pro Kolin+which sort of  bungs you up until you tummy settles down, mind you, OTL has to squirt the prescribed dose down our mouth by squirting it down the back of our jaw!

You know Holly actually likes the taste and licks it off OTL's finger!

I hate it, so I get the squirty treatment!


Best of luck Archie Babe and just to let you know The Missus heard a frog croaking in our pond the other morning when she got up early!

Who knows, we may see one soon!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Wet Butt and No Ball

Hi Woofers!

Here we are again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret!

Well, what have you been getting up to today?

It's Bank Holiday Weekend and everyone seems to want to get away for a few days holiday. They all crowd onto the road and sit in traffic jams for hours!

Down here we did one better, we got a lorry that knocked a foot bridge down, closing the motorway for a day or two. There was an enormous traffic jam and it was on the main route to the channel crossing!

We stayed at home!

I had an early morning swim while Holly got her butt washed by Old Two Legs 'cos it was all grubby!

I gotta 'Self Cleaning Butt'!
Holly don't like water, Holly don't like being stood with her back legs in the sea, Holly don't like having OTL wash her grubby butt with the cold water!

Wot is worse, Holly don't like a ferret spotting that Holly has a grubby butt and then telling OTL so he can wash Holly's butt clean!

Look! She got a Grubby Butt!
Little Miss April stayed out of it and had a small dig in the sand until the excitement died down!

Leave me out of it, I'm happy in the sand!
 So, in the end Holly got a damp butt and I got soaked to the skin!

We headed back home 'cos OTL has been working on the bathroom floor, putting new tiles down. He says it is so fiddly and all that crawling around on his knees makes him tired!

Any excuse to sit down for a rest!

Lunchtime there was some rain, not much, 0.6mm according to OTL's 'Weather Station' but it was wet enough make Holly think about staying indoors, especially if she is going to get another grubby butt!

Well, the rain stopped and Holly's butt stayed clean!

Rain clouds over Sheerness!
 Now, yesterday I lost my rubber ball 'cos I dug a hole that was so deep the ferrets wouldn't go in and get the ball!

Today they offered to dig around to see if they could find it, providing they could have a game of 'Fetch the Ball' when they dug it up.

We want have a game with it, OK?
Well, they dug down into the sand and with the pair of them, Wendy and Freddy, going strong it wasn't too long before they dug a hole to be proud of!

It was as deep as the hole where we buried the ball yesterday, the only trouble is, they dug it in the wrong place!

Well, it 'aint here!
 Mind you, I couldn't remember where I dug the hole, so it looks like that ball has gone for good now. I'll just have to bring one of the other balls tomorrow, it is going to be difficult choosing the right one!

Yeah, I'll make sure it is a 'Ferret Size' ball, OK?
These ferrets are getting so bossy nowadays!

OK, what is all this 'did you sing a happy anniversary song to Mrs Sue and Mr Mike?' ??

We knew nothing about anniversaries and it wasn't until we checked with The Missus who has access to FaceAche and she said it was their Golden Anniversary.

So, better late than never...............................Happy Anniversary!

Tomorrow OTL will be trying to finish off the flooring so that means Holly and I get a chance to have a snooze while watching him work!

Life's good like that!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

My Ball has Gone!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret back again!

It has been another hot day down here in North Kent!Not as hot as yesterday but still it is one of those days when a shady spot in the garden is the best place for a woofer to be!

We started off with our morning stroll on the beach and this morning May and April came with us. May was full of beans 'cos she hasn't been out for a day or so and she had a bit of energy to burn off!

...................are we there yet?
 Little April decided to stay in the ferret bag 'cos there was no way she would be able to keep up with May!

I took a look at the sea and decided it was just too rough for any swimming today, a paddle maybe but no swimming!

I'd rather dig some holes today!
 May said she was up for a hole dig and we both started to throw some sand about!

.......then I just pat it down around the sides!
 As we headed back to the car May and I discussed the fine points of digging holes and she was saying that she could dig a tunnel if the ground was firm enough which is something I hadn't tried before.

The secret is to use your hips to pat the sides as you go!
 Back home the ferrets had a good rampage around the house while Old Two Legs did his 'Poo Shovelling' duties! When he had finished he was allowed to have a game with Wendy and Freddy.

They both enjoy having OTL turn them on their backs and tickle their tummies! Freddy always laughs his tail off and grabs OTL's finger and gives it a cheeky nibble!

Lunchtime it wasn't so hot so OTL decided that Fred and Wendy could go with Holly and me to the beach.

I was telling them about May and our hole digging fun. The tide was right out so I couldn't play 'Chase The Ball' in the water but OTL got the ball out and tossed it down the beach.

Freddy chased after it and I let him get to it first 'cos he doesn't often get to play chase on the beach!

I'll Get It, I'll Get It!
Then he ran back up the beach and gave it to OTL to throw again!

OK, back to OTL!
 This time OTL rolled it right the way down to the sea weed and rocks and Freddy raced after it!

I remember when he first came to live with us and when OTL took him out walking he just stood still, amazed at all the green and open spaces!

Now look at him!

I got it! I got it!
Finally I got to it and with Holly's help we dug a deep hole and hid it down the bottom!

We told Freddy that he could find it tomorrow when he comes back on the next walk!

OK, just press the sand down on top of it!!
When we got back to the car we all had a drink and Freddy reminded me that it was my ball I'd buried and not one of his!

I hadn't realised that!

My ball is gone!

You know the first thing I'll be doing tomorrow when I get onto the beach!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.

Friday, 26 August 2016

We've been looking for camels!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret here!

It's been another boiling hot day here in North Kent! The Missus said she heard thunder in the distance last night but no one else did!

There was some damp patches on the patio this morning when we looked but as Holly said, 'It could have been Sparrow Wee!'

The warm weather didn't stop us going out for a walk along the beach and today we took Fred and Wendy with us 'cos they didn't get a walk yesterday.

We met up with all the 'Lads' and young Marley ran ahead of all the gang to get his Tum Tickle from Old Two Legs!

When your ready OTL!
There is one thing about Marley, he sure knows how to pose!

Holly and I spent a really lazy morning in the shade by the pond. The jar OTL fitted up with a supply of water that pours out of the jar was making tinkling sounds as the water poured into the pond which is OK to begin with but after a time it just reminds you that you need a wee and it's time to go out again!

Lunchtime we left May and April at home 'cos it was just too hot for ferrets. They were having a great time snoozing on the frozen blocks OTL had put under their beds!

OTL says that what with all this 'Global Warming' if it gets any hotter we will find herds of camels roaming about with sad faces. Why they should have sad faces rather confussed us until OTL explained that camel have two humps and anyone who has the hump has a sad face!

Yeah, well, if they get anywhere near my chews I'll get the hump as well!

Down on the beach we saw another Ro-Ro Car Transporter floating off to sea and it was Holly who called out 'Look! Floating Brick!'

Another floating brick off to Hamburg!
 The tide had got out so I didn't get a swim but I did find some water coming out of the drain, it was right whiffy and I decided to keep well away!

That sniffs horrid!
We have been looking for a good place to photograph the chimney when is gets blown up or rather down!

They have been knocking holes in the bottom of the chimney so we reckon it will be pretty exciting when it does go. OTL says that someone told him it will come down on the seventh September at nine in the morning but OTL reckons he needs confirmation before getting all the camera gear out!

TM has been given the job of searching FaceAche for information!

We have spotted TM taking sausages out of the freezer so it looks like 'Bangers and Mash' tonight, Yum Yum!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Another Heat Wave!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret here again!

Phew! It has bee up near 30 degrees today, definitely not the weather to go running about the house!

In fact we have all found a shady spot and have spent the day 'Relaxing', well all except Old Two Legs who has his daily 'Jobs' to do!

Now then, Izzy, eleven teeth out!!!!!!!!

Gawd, that is nearly half a mouth full!

I can see you drinking through a straw for a while!

My teeth are OK and Holly has a couple that are sort of crooked but not ready to be yanked out!

I hope they gave you knock out drops before they started on you!

We took May and April down the beach this morning but April spent most of the time sitting in the ferret bag while May was dancing about all over the place!

We said 'Hello' to the 'Lads' and that big soppy Bozo called Marley came charging down the hill and rolled onto his back at OTL's feet asking for a Tickle on the Tum!

It's almost embarrassing!

Little April decided to stay in the ferret bag as we headed back to the car but May found a sniff and got herself a good roll before OTL spotted her and called her a 'Smelly Ferret!

Sniffs R Us!
 I was going to have a swim but the water wasn't deep enough yet so I decided to wait until later.

When we came back at lunchtime the water had all gone! However, I did spot a sailing boat out beyond the mud banks but it was too far to make out what it was, other than an old sailing boat.

Can't tick this off in the book!
One of the nice things about heading back to the car is we can have a rest under the bench on top of the hill. There is a super shadow from the bench and also the concrete is still cool!

Betcha wish you could get in here with us!
 The ferrets got their frozen blocks again and spent the day alternating between beds with the frozen blocks and those without, but mostly they stayed with the frozen blocks and Wendy even got under the bed to lick the frozen blocks!

I can sniff Lambs Heart being taken out of the oven so I'm off for a feed!

See you tomorrow and Izzy, stay away from the ice cubes!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret!

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

OTL got stabbed today!

Hello Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret!

It's another hot day today, yesterday we didn't take Fred and Wendy for a walk yesterday 'cos it was too hot. That means the pair were in 'Fidget Mode' which means that they are likely to get into trouble!

Old Two Legs decided that May and April should stay at home while Fred and Wendy came out this morning, just to run off some steam!

Well, it was still rather warm but both ferrets had fun and had a great time running and rolling in the grass on our way down to the beach.

On the beach we all had a run around and Holly and I decided to start a hole.

Of course, the ferrets were being ferrets and inquisitive! As soon as I started an hole over came Freddy to see what we were doing and offer some advice on hole digging!

It looks a bit saggy around the edges!
 Cheeky ferrets but they were right about the edges!

Well, it's deep enough but not very tidy!
Back home the ferrets were allowed out for a rampage while OTL cleaned the cages. When he finished he put the frozen blocks under their beds and when they went back in it took no more than a couple of minutes for them to find the cool beds!

OTL's next job was to go and get a 'Blood Test', Holly says that he must have blood 'cos when May gives him a playful nip there is always some blood!

Apparently, this doesn't count and he had to give a gallon or so to do tests!

Off he went and he told us later that they stabbed him with a whacking big needle and emptied his arm of blood! A whole arm full! At least he didn't have to pay them for doing it, although he says he has been paying all his life so this was just 'Collecting some Interest on the Account'!

It must have been bad 'cos they stuck a cotton wool ball on the hole and a plaster to hold it in place while his arm gets better!

Poor OTL had to have a sit down when he got back and Holly and I gave him a cuddle as well!

Lunchtime came and May and April stayed at home again because of the heat but Holly and I headed out to the beach.

You know, if it were not for the poo and a good wee, we would rather have stayed at home in the cool!

Holly was first onto the beach and was straight up to the shade of the Sea Wall to lay down in a puddle of seaweed and water!

You don't know what I'm laying in!
 I wandered on looking for deeper water when I heard a woofing up in the air, it was one of those Long Tailed Yorkie Woofer, a bit like Izzy but with no manners!

Blooming tourist!

Go and find your own sniffs, these are ours!
 It was a warm walk, Holly and I made use of every bit of shade we could find. The shade under the bench is always good!

Yeah! Just five minutes more please!
 It was good to get back home again, cool water and some real shade in OTL's office!

It's good news from Archie Babe having got rid of the fleas. So far we have not been troubled with them, Ticks, yes, Fleas, No!

Must be the Jollop OTL puts on us each month that keeps them away!

Now we are off to see if it is worth mugging OTL for some dinner but it will be habit rather than a need to feed, it's just too hot!

Mind you, one of the frozen blocks the ferrets have tucked under their beds wouldn't go amiss!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret!

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

A Visit to The Forest Again!

Hi Woofers!

Here we are again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy, and Freddy de Ferret!

Hasn't it been warm today? Well down here in North Kent we are up to 29 degrees C at he moment!


First thing April did when she got to the beach was to go for a walk in the wet mud! She said her paws were on fire!

Oooooh! That is better!
Mind you, it wasn't too long before she was back in the Ferret Bag again and watching the world go by!

Holly, May and I had to walk all the way back but we knew there would be a bowl of water waiting for us all when we got back to the car!

Race if you want but I'm going to walk!
Back home we all headed for the bed for a snooze, that was until the Caravan Mender Man arrived and Holly and I gave him a real 'Woofer Welcome' as he was banging on the door.

You'd have thought by now that he would have learnt how to press the door bell!

We left him to it as we headed off to the carrier with a parcel that had to go today.

Old Two Legs had decided that it was too hot to take the ferrets out walking in this heat and as both Freddy and Wendy were snoring their tails off it seemed a shame to wake them!

Off we went and after dropping off the parcel OTL asked if we wanted to go down The Forest!

I ask you, Does a Woofer want a Sniff?

In no time we were into the forest looking for HeeLand Coos!

Come on! Forest this way!
 As we went around the corner we almost bumped into a Short Horn Coo!

Hey! called Holly where's the HeeLand Coos?

There was no answer 'cos The coo was too busy eating grass and stuff. Holly did say that if we started to eat grass OTL would be telling us off!

Mmmm! Not a bad patch of grass this is!
 Holly and I were enjoying all the sniffs we had been missing out on all this time. Mind you, the majority of sniffs were based of Coo Poo!

This is bad, not even one Squirrel Poo anywhere!
 Holly was right, even I couldn't find a trace of Squirrel Poo anywhere! Mind you, in a couple of months or so we should be getting all the nuts falling and being stored ready for Winter Time!

No matter where we looked, we spotted Coo's everywhere, hiding in the bushes and behind trees!

If it didn't have horns you would think it was Holly Chops!
You know, they don't even use Poo Bags like wot we have to!    

OTL has promised us we can go back again soon and who knows, we might get to see a squirrel!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and not forgetting Freddy de Ferret!