Friday, 31 December 2021

Happy Hogmanay!

 Hi Woofers!

It's Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

Well, this is a special day today, it's Hogmanay which translates as 'The Last Day of The Year'

So tonight, we plan to get out the nibbles, crack open a bottle of bubbly and say goodbye to the old year. Now, I'm not saying that the year has been all fun and games, what with all this Covid stuff that has been flying around. But I'm pleased that it doesn't affect us woofers!

Just imagine what it would be like if we couldn't sniff a butt for fear of catching Covid!

What a horrid thought!

Today there were loads of woofers out for a walk and one new little lady called Elsie who was all over Old Two Legs like a rash!

It was her first day out after all her injections and she was off her lead as well!

That was good training as I remember I was kept on a lead until it was safe for me to have a run but go back to OTL if called.

I met up with a couple of Sheep Dogs I have seen in the past and I even had a game of chase with them!

The year is drawing to a close and to celebrate, it rained on us!

Let's hope the New Year will be a little brighter and the summer longer!

So, from all of us here in Godwin Towers, we wish you all a Very Happy New Year!


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

Thursday, 30 December 2021

Another Fiddly Diddly Photo!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, I tried to get Old Two Legs up nice and early. I mean, a really good licking on his bald head normally gets the old duffer to stir but this morning he had his head under the duvet and was snoring his tail off!

When he finally did make 'Waking Up' noises it was past sunrise. Mind you, I looked out the window and didn't see any red skies so, even if we were down the sea front, I don't think there was and spectacular sights to be seen.

We parked up by the side of the football field and looked over to where the sun was and I must admit, it didn't look as if it was going to produce anything exciting.

 Just the merest glimmer over the tops of the trees!

 It wasn't until we got around the corner that we found something to switch the camera on for.

The sun was hiding behind the clouds and a quick Fiddly Diddly with the White Balance produced a shot that was worth taking.


 Sun Rise Over Sheerness!

Back home and I decided to crash out on the bed and let OTL get on with the cage cleaning.

Miss Wendy was having fun running around the lounge and hiding in amongst the towels and cardboard tubes.

Eric was playing Hide & Seek up in The Missuses store room and has found a comfy little spot behind a mass of plastic boxes full of card making stuff.

When Eric came out, he says he had a dream where the Vet told him he didn't need to come back again for a month!

He asked OTL if he could keep the money, he saved on vet’s fees and could he put it in his money box so he could spend it when he went away on holiday!

I won't tell you what OTL said but Eric says it is up 'For Discussion'!

Bye for now!


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.