Hi Woofers!
Daisy here.
It's been another day playing around in the garden. The Internetty Thingy
sent a message, well two messages, saying that the pond plants and the pond
sprinkle thingy were going to arrive today. That means TM will expect it all up
and running by midday, she hopes!
Well, the plants arrived first and it was good fun seeing OTL trying to
position the pots without falling in!
There were six plants and one lily, so there he was placing the pots on the
level part of the pond and hanging onto the rock balanced precariously on the
After installing the plants there was nothing to do except plant the
Crocuses and the Hyacinth bulbs.
Now no matter how much Grandfather Godwin tried, OTL just couldn't get
interested in flowers and planting stuff and it showed when OTL tried planting
the bulbs.
He just couldn't work out which way up the Crocus bulbs went, so, being a
technical sort of bloke, OTL planted half the bulbs one way up and then the
other bulbs, up the other way up.
That way at least one pot will produce a flower the right way up!
Just in time, the bulbs were planted and pots arranged around the garden
when the front door bell went and the sprinkler arrived.
This is going to be a right pain in the but 'cos the instructions are a
translation from Mandarin to English!
OTL has been in the office trying to work it all out and couple that with
working out the number of bricks he has to glue together to get the sprinkler
to poke its head just above the level of the pond!
Tomorrow the two bricks will be stuck together, (using Gorilla Glue cos it
sticks like poo to a blanket!) so all we have to do is to get the pump balanced
on the bricks, providing we can get the bricks the right way up!
TM has been playing with her Air fryer gismo and having read all the
instructions she tried roasting a chicken!
Here it is, having scraped the burnt bits off!
Actually, it didn't taste too bad!
Waiting for the pond plants and stuff. A better photo tomorrow!
Bye for now.