Saturday, 11 May 2024

Saturday fun

 Hello woofers

Daisy here

Who missed the aurora last night? I must put my paw up on this on. It started of with TM running around like a headless frog saying the world was coming to an end and were all doomed!

I planned to stay up and wait till the sun went down and darkness was everywhere.

Then Martin, number one son and Liz turned up and we got into gassing. By the time we finished it was late, too late to set up the camera for aurora spotting!

Well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!7

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Now we have found the snails!

 Hello Woofers,

Us again, the computer kings!

Well that’s what I’m calling OTL cos there is one thing he is not!

I reckon it would be better if we packed it all up and sent it to Chewie in exchange for his ropy ball!

We were up late this morning so didn’t get down the sea front until late, but the view was just as dramatic.

Now yesterday I met up with Devo and Zoro but couldn’t get the picture to load but hey presto, they appeared this morning!

After you with the sniff!

Some time back after re digging the pond, OTL purchased some snails, thinking they were bigger than they really were, in fact they were about the size of a grain of rice!
Well, TM spotted three of the six tearing around the pond edges this morning, so there is still hope!

This is me asking if I can go with Devo and Zoro

Hey, how about this of OTL taking a selfie!

It’s a shame there was no one to take his photo!

Unlike me!

See you tomorrow, if the computer is still around and not smashed to bits!



Wednesday, 8 May 2024

The first lily pad!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

Another fun day of computer mayhem! At one time OTL was pressing three buttons at the same time and the keyboard and mouse froze!

Taking out the USB plug and inserting it in another socket brought it all back online…….Lucky OTL!

Looking in the pond at all the Taddly Poles we were surprised to see that most of them were asleep just below the surface. OTL reckons they are all resting while they grow legs!

Mind you, all I see is their tails wriggling behind them!

The sky was good this morning. There were sunbeams blasting out of the clouds, it looked quite dramatic.

While OTL was messing about with the camera, I spotted Devo and Zoro in the distance and tore after them.

We had a great time ducking and diving and butt sniffing.

The pond is absolutely full  of Taddly Poles and that Lilly Pad is getting bigger by the day.

Our lunchtime walk was good ‘cos we saw a Red Kite glide over the football field, first for a long time.

Aunty Sarn has been giving OTL some helpful tips about the computer but it seems OTL hasn’t got the same buttons on his keyboard!  I think it’s going to be a long time before OTL and the computer work together!

Bye for now.



Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Sunshine and roses and Tiddly Poles!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy Dog is here again!

Wot a super day it’s been. We were out early this morning, well out of the front door by seven and off to the Grain seafront tubble was, no woofers! They must have all got up early!

The only woofer I saw was BarnyII and all he wanted to do was fuss around OTL and sniff my butt!

Once again OTL has spent all day trying to get the computer to obey his commands but all we  get is a long loud raspberry!

I’ve been making a bit of a  pig  of  myself with the new nibbles  and now I’ve got a grumbly tum.

OTL has now banned TM from feeding me more than half a nibble!

I must say TM is getting good at butt washing!

I can still only upload photos using the iPad cos the iMac still grinds to a halt half way through loading up, in fact it will only show the previous entry to the blog!

I think OTL is about to delete the program and try installing a new version! Another supplier may have another effect on the computer/program.

Until then I’m afraid we are all stuck with no pictures and text from this iPad!

By for now.


Daisy   😃 

Monday, 6 May 2024

OTL and an iMac!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here!

Down this end of the world we get the strangest weather, you could imagine!

When we left home it was sunny and had the makings of a bright day, that was until we got down to Grain sea front.

Then the world opened up and OTL and I were running for the shelter of the trees!

The only woofer we saw was Murphy, a big old Wolf Hound who is the biggest old softy you could imagine!

Back  home OTL re arranged my bedding so I could be comfortable under the desk when sundry Rose and Rosie arrived.

The rest of the day was boring,I mean, there was Rose, The Missus and OTL plonking away on the new computer trying to make it sing!

There were some successes and some puzzling bits that wouldn’t work, very frustrating!

We down loaded a programme that was recommended to us that sort of half worked because the computer had a wobbly bit of code that wouldn’t allow us to upload pictures. 

Rose has promised to have another look at the missing. Bits and let me know what she finds.

We are off to watch the F1 Racing we recorded last night, it promises to be exciting!

Bye for now.



Sunday, 5 May 2024

The Missus get’s lucky!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here. 

Well, today we have all been helping OTL fire up the new computer and after firing it up we need to hit the off button to reset it all!

Now, all. You clever ladies who have been using iMac for years and just twiddle your  claws and it all bursts into life! Not mentioning no names, Saran! Just think back to the first days , I bet you had fun!

All helpful suggestions logged for future use!

It’s strange that we can do a Daisys Diary using the iPad, no problem, load up text and pictures, but try as he might, we can’t make it work on the iMac!

Frustrating or wot!

So, Sarn’s suggestion of installing Google Chrome will make it work!

We are expecting a visit from Rose tomorrow, whose job as instructor on using the iMac will teach OTL some of the basics.

Today’s blog is being done on the iPad, so I can import or drag in pictures!  Well we could until The Missus stumbled upon the email settings which gave us send and receive  but stoped picture moving!

Poor OTL, he really hates computers nearly  as much as HMRC Tax Return Forms!

Claws crossed for tomorrow!

Bye for now.


Daisy.  😜

Friday, 3 May 2024

It’s a steep learning curve!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Well, I’ve been sitting on the desk alongside OTL helping him sort out this iPad. It’s taken a good hour just to find this page!

OTL has looked under the bed and counted all the pennies he has been saving over the years and placed an order for an Apple iMac wot is a desktop computer.

I dread to see what he makes of it, never mind uses it!

We shall see.

We met up with the lads this  morning and as usual, Hugo came chasing up to say hello.

Yo! Hugo how’s yer butt for sniffs?

We caught them up in no time and I was afraid I’d would get run over by the Labradors!

Seven Woofers into Two Trees just don’t go!

I was planning on a quiet wee over the manhole cover but as soon as I got near, I got decended on!

Can’t a girl get a wee in private?

Mind you, the sunrise was interesting, all hazy and moody!

Mouse holes! We can’t find the ‘Rotate’ button, that buggers that up!

You will just have to turn the screen around!

I hear that Chewie has been booked into have his Crown Jewels sorted! 

That’s a hard thing to do to a lad, I remember when the ferrets came home walking like they just got off a horse!

That’s it for today, I can sniff lunch is about to be served!

By for now.



Thursday, 2 May 2024

We will find away!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy Dog here.

Well now, the fan has been busy over the last two days and finally we have some news……Computer is dead!

That leaves us with an iPad that hates PC but will allow some apple stuff through, that means we can talk to you via my diary.

So far we haven’t found out how to upload photos into a usb stick, but. Promise, we are trying!


Well, pinch my butt and give OTL a wet sloppy kiss, he did it!

All we got to do now is to upload to Blogger!



Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Making progress.

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here,

Guess wot?

It's Chewie!

At last, we got a photo to come from Apple via Messenger to PC and into the Photo File!

Mind you, we still can't send or receive any blooming email!

Time is 21:45hr and OTL has been playing with the computer and it's all back together again, except for the email. The accursed thing keeps coming up with the error message and refuses to allow him to send or receive email.

He has six computers up in the loft and he has hooked them all up, trying to get emails to work and finally he got one to work down loading email!

Now he is asking himself, does he really need email?

I think he will have to make up his mind, keep the old computer with no email of get a new computer with email and an UpToDate system like Apple, then will it be a laptop or a Desk top.

Decisions decisions!

Mind you, other than the computers, today has been a good day.

No Devo but I did say hello to the bench and poo bin!

The sun was out and the forest looked super!

Back to the computers!

Daisy and someone tell Chewie that laying on his back like that puts his Crown Jewels in danger!

Those vets are a sneaky bunch!

Bye for now.



Monday, 29 April 2024

OTL Hates Computers!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here!

I had a great morning run today. I got half way around the walk when all of a sudden Devo and Zoro came out of the bushes to say hello and dive into a super sniff by the side of a poo bin!

It's a shame the Two Legs can't enjoy a sniff by a poo bin!

Cor, after sniffin that lot it makes your eyes water!

Yesterday we ran off a few photos, the weather wasn't too clever but I did at least enjoy jumping in the puddles!

You just can't beat a paddle in the puddles!

After getting back home OTL set about working again on the computer and he has spent almost all day on it. It was around 16:00hr that the computer gave up and said that he couldn't play anymore and to come back in twenty-four hours.

OTL was not a happy puppy!

Talking of puppies, Chewie has been making himself at home cuddling up hand demanding 'tummy rubs'.

He has been getting toys and stuff. I'll have to get a warning out to him; these TL's may get a visit to the vet and before you know what's happening they will have whipped your crown jewels off and you will have nothing to play with!

Be warned!

Bye for now.

