Sunday 23 December 2018

The Best Christmas Prezzie!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret back with you again.

We had a bit of fun today, sort of!

It started off with us getting up a whole half of an hours later than normal. Well, there is nothing better than a Sunday Morning lay in!

Although the sun was up earlier than yesterday we still didn't see any glow in the sky. It was just too cloudy and inky black!

There were a few of the woofers out for a run including that yappy little Yorkie we saw yesterday!

He stayed well away from us today!

Flashy, Flashy!

Back home a terrible thing had happened, the vacuum cleaner ceased sucking, wouldn't blow and would only turn the sweeper roller!

Panic, how are we going to sweep up all the crumbs and bits of fluff that get dropped onto the floor?

We dug out the old carpet sweeper but that would only spread the crumbs around refused to collect them in the dust bag. Well it's not really a bag, more like a plastic tray that 'Self Empties' if you don't hold it the right way up!

There was no ready solution another one!

So, after some research on the InterNetty Thingy, a new cleaner was identified as a possible replacement to the now defunct thing that was heading towards the dust bin!

This new one was designed to cope with 'Animals'! I suppose that means us Woofers and Ferrets!

Mind you, Holly and I don't moult, unlike the ferrets, they moult twice a year, Spring and Autumn time. However, as Old Two Legs pointed out, we do make a load of crumbs on the carpet, you know, carrot crumbs, woofer biscuit crumbs, Bramble biscuit crumbs and cheese biscuit crumbs. Then of course there is the ferret made crumbs made from Bramble Biscuits, oops! We mentioned them before!

Then there is the Ferret Biscuit crumbs, well the list goes on and on especially when we get onto the crumbs OTL and The Missus make when sitting on the sofa!

Of course, there is the paper bits TM produces when she is chopping up the cardboard that is being made into cards!

Terribly mucky!

So, off to the electrical shop and there, sitting on the shelf was an Animal Vacuum Cleaner!

The girl at the till soon sorted it all out, took the money and said Happy Christmas, to which TM replied, With A Vacuum Cleaner?

You know some TL's are never satisfied!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret.