Sunday 21 April 2024

F1 and snoozies!

Hello Woofers,

I'm back again.

Sorry about missing yesterday but I came back from walkies and fell asleep all evening, waking up just in time to go to sleep! It's a dog’s life!

OTL was supposed to be scattering pebbles around the pond today but what with the wind and the chilly the bag of pebbles stayed un-opened on the patio.

You can tell what the weather was going to be like first thing this morning.

You could say 'Changeable'!

It didn't get any better as we got closer to the forest!

By the time we got into the forest we decided it was better than on the sea shore.

Once again OTL tried taking pictures of me sniffing my way down the forest path.

I always manage to bounce up and down so I look all blurry!

Me, doing the 'Doggy Bounce'!

In the end OTL gives up and photographs the forest path, at least that doesn't bounce around!

The F1 racing was exciting, lots of overtaking and there seemed to be a lot more action lower down the field. The faster cars were pretty boring and the usual winners won!

Next week it is Singapore and I think it's a night time race!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been a very chilly day here. I went for a walk this morning but I didn't go very far. I met up with Buster and his mum and none of us wanted to be out in the cold for long. I've had a nice snoozy day indoors as well, I was thinking of cutting the grass but like OTL, I decided indoors was much nicer. I didn't watch the racing, I was watching old programmes that used to be on telly, funnily enough, they still made my eyelids feel heavy. I suppose it's quite a useful thing to do on a chilly day and inspect your eyelids for holes. No cooking this evening either, the boy went out and bought some lovely fresh, crusty baguettes so we're having a munch and a crunch on those with some tasty fillings. Smashing pictures today considering the weather hasn't been very nice, I don't mind seeing bouncy pictures of you Daisy, bouncy ones are better than no pictures of you. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
