Monday 22 April 2024

Lazy Day

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

I've been looking hard at the forest today and trying to imagine the trees have got faces on the trunks.

If you look hard enough the faces look scarry!

All the forest paths can look equally scarry if you have a good imagination!

There's a tree behind that bush!

It can be very scarry in the forest!

OTL spread a load of gravel around the pond edge to fill in the gaps in between the rocks.

The Missus came out of the kitchen and proceeded to give him instructions on where to dig up weeds and stuff.

If it is warm enough, he will finish off the digging tomorrow and maybe start to re arrange the rocks at the back of the garden.

There is a hedgehog house in amongst the rocks and OTL just plonked it down and it needs to be located properly.

So, that is the plan for tomorrow, providing it doesn't rain!

By for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Now no need to be scared in the forest, OTL will make sure you're safe. Smashing pictures today. Sounds like OTL has been very busy, I bet you were supervising him. Now make sure the hedgehog house is placed in a good spot, don't want the hedgehog falling in when it goes for a wash in the mornings. I've done a few little jobs, cleared the gully on the garage roof but it was chilly up there in the wind. Hopefully it will be a bit warmer tomorrow then I might go and do a few jobs in the garden, or if not, a few jobs inside. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
