Tuesday 9 April 2024

Spring is here!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

Wot a day and just for once OTL looks like he has come out on top!

See, it's like this, getting on for ten years ago we purchased a sofa and two leather recliner chairs with a ten-year guarantee.

The chairs have suffered from heavy use by TM, not that we are saying TM is over size, more of a well-built user!

Now OTL was going through the filing cabinet shredding all out of date paperwork when he came across the original sales invoice. Noticing there was six months left on the guarantee, OTL gets onto the supplier to make a claim.

The service engineer is to call in a couple of weeks to rectify the problem!

Sorted, the Spring cometh!

We were late in getting up and missed most of The Lads but we did get to say Good Morning to Hugo who came charging down the path to greet OTL!

 Everyone has gone!

The sky couldn’t make up its mind, sunshine or clouds, but it looks pretty!

OTL is off to the Two Legs vet tomorrow to get his ears checked out, I reckon he is suffering with the sort of selective hearing that I suffer from when anyone calls and I would rather be doing something else, like enjoying a good sniff or chasing a rabbit!

I'll let you know how he gets on!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Sounds like you had better weather than we did. Last night it rained cats and frogs and the wind howled like a banshee. It didn't really stop raining until mid afternoon here. The boy was late going for his first walk, came home, had a quick rest then went off for his 2nd walk. He brought me back some apple turnovers, I've not had one for a few weeks on account of they either changed their cook or their recipe, but today's turnovers were much better. Glad you managed to met at least one of your mates this morning although maybe the others decided to stay home on account of it being a tad chilly. Well that was a good find, a guarantee of your chairs. Now I thought it was you and OTL who sat in the armchairs cos Mrs TM is always sat sitting at her crafty desk. Smashing pictures today. Now then, this hearing problem, stand behind OTL and whisper do you want this £50 note, if he hears, then no problem, if he don't then he's got a problem. I'm like you, I'd rather be home with my paws up. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
