Saturday 18 February 2012

Lilly Tells a Story

Hello Woofers!

It's us again, Daisy & Holly.

Happy Saturn's Day to you all even though it has been a bit colder than the last few days!

We were out good and early this morning for a run 'cos Old Two Legs has got a sore ear and didn't get too much sleep last night!

We met up with some Black Headed Gulls who were standing on the breakwater waiting for the tide to go out. The one furthest out was complaining that the water was half way up his legs and some times it even got as far as his bottom, depending on how big the wave was!

My Knees are Cold!
 What was worse, OTL did his 'Creepy Up' thing on a batch of six gulls on another breakwater and just before he pressed the shutter, they all flew off!

Yep! Just behind OTL was Holly.................................mmmm!  Chicken!

Gull Gone!
That was it, OTL was not a happy puppy! On we strolled, sniffin at sniffs when from nowhere came a familiar sound.

Yahooo Girlies' he called as he came up from the sea wall, look! I've got my ball today, Wanna Game?

We had a little game but were just not fast enough to get the ball before him. He is just too fast!

We were joined by a couple of Labrador's who were chasing balls as well, but not on ropes!

It was good fun chasing and sniffin and I got a little scared at one time because all the dogs were much bigger than me!

Just in time we were joined by Lilly, she is the Greyhound who lost her rear leg and this time we asked her what had happened?

The Balls That Way!
Well, she said, I got into an accident with one of those car things and got taken to the vet who made me go to sleep and when I woke up I was all sore and afraid. Especially when I realised that my leg was missing. What was worse, my owners never came to pick me up when I got well enough to go home. I was a sad puppy until my new owner came and paid the vets bill and took me home with him. So now I have learnt to run on three legs and I have a good time with my new owner.

We thought that was a sad story but as Lilly said it has worked out for the best 'cos she has a happy time and her new owner looks after her and she looks after him!

Holly said that we were lucky as well 'cos we had owners who looked after us as well!

The Missus has been out all day today at her card making meeting in the village hall, that's where they all get together and splash the glue pot around and sprinkle glitter all over the place!

They can be really mucky with that stuff!

So tonight we are looking forward to a cuddle and some nibbles!

Bye for now, see you tomorrow!


Daisy & Holly


  1. Poor Lily, it reminds me of a customer with a dog a couple of years ago. I had often been to the house to return his car and never till recently noticed that he had only three legs, the front near side woz missing. It didn't stop him from bounding about a bit like Barney.

    I see Holy is in OTL's bad books again, still he loves you really who's for chicken. XX

  2. Ah, that is sad about Lily but she is happy and can get around so it turned out good in the end.
    Holly in bad books again stalking OTL when he is trying to play with his camera, when will she learn? It is getting warmer so you will be able to have some good adventures.

    P.S. Get well away from the glue pots and glitter, it will not suit you and the other woofers will laugh at you.

  3. Well it look like you have over licked OTL ear!

    Nice story.

  4. Well it seems my comments are not appearing Daisy .... Try again!

    Sad story about Lily but at least her original owner took her to the vets ... so pleased she has found someone to love her as OTL and me love you two villains!

  5. Villains........Us???????.............Never, Much!
