Saturday 1 September 2012

OTL has been working!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy & Holly here!

We are NOT Happy Puppies!

Today we had planned to get Old Two Legs to take us down for a really long walk on The Farm, instead, what did he do?


I mean, just 'cos he hasn't been near the garden for almost a month, another couple of days wouldn't have hurt!

After our morning walk he started by giving Holly and me our morning brush. If there is one thing that OTL does right, it is giving us a brush!

You know, I could really fall asleep while he brushes me, especially when he uses the 'Soft Brush', that's the one he uses on our tummy!

Heaven, just Heaven!
After our brush it was Lambs Heart for breakfast and then an 'After Breakfast Snooze', leaving OTL to get on with the garden.

Well, he started off by clearing all the leaves out of the pond and while he was doing that, he found a Red Chaser, a small Dragonfly, dead floating on the water.

So, he fishes it out and we decide that it must have died today 'cos it was still all bright and shiny and the wings were still all stiff.

Dead but................
OTL was a bit excited about it, of course sorry it was dead but excited that the thing had found our pond and had some how come to a sticky end in Our Pond!

We left OTL to get on with the garden and went off to have a sulk and a snooze in the bedroom!

Lunchtime came and we were off to The Sea Wall again. The first thing we saw were a couple of canoe type of boats being paddled towards the Thames. Holly reckons they were looking to get across to Southend on Sea but the tide had just turned and they would have been taken out to sea, so they sensibly kept close to the Kent Coast!

Is it Left or Right?
 We came across a fisherman who had two women sitting on chairs and watching him fish. Now I don't know about you but that must have been the most boring thing to do when you're at the seaside!

Even the worms had spikes on them!
Holly thought that it was very funny though and couldn't walk past them without collapsing on the ground for a good laugh!

These Two Legs are So Funny!
 The afternoon was spent watching OTL slave away in the garden, he managed to clear about half of the path and patio of weeds that had grown in the cracks between the blocks and slabs in the path.

Tomorrow he has the rest to do plus start removing the grass at the back of the garden where he plans to put a 'Wild Flower Meadow' and a layer of stones so that at least he won't ever have to cut the grass again.

Well, that's his plan!

This evening was spent mugging him for some shortbread and watching a DVD.

All very relaxing and sleepy!

So, off to bed now and I've got my chew, just in case I get peckish during the night!

 See you tomorrow woofers!


Daisy & Holly


  1. Well done you two, I would have thought that TM would have taken you out if OTL was gardening.

    I love the one of you having your tummy brushed

  2. Hi Girls,
    That's right get OTL working on the garden, I like the Meadow approach I may do that here. No Sue wont let me.XX

  3. Sorry you were bored Daisy... still, spare a thought for me... OTL is never in the best of moods when he has to do the gardening!! lol
    Lovely picture of Holly.
