Saturday, 23 March 2013

Holly Goes on Strike!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly & Snowflake here.

What a day! Down this end of the world we have had rain, snow, sleet and cold winds, all at the same time!

We went out for our 'Early Morning Wee', had a sniff, turned around and decided to wait until later!

It was freezing! The wind was blowing everything about, trees, the sheet covering the shed roof and all the flowers!

When Old Two Legs took us down to The Sea Wall, the wind came howling in from the North Sea, blowing all the waves onto the beach, even though the tide was trying to go out!

Wind from The North Sea!
 Holly wasn't too happy about it all, you see she doesn't 'do' cold wet and windy. So, as soon as we both did our 'Business' she headed off towards the steps back to the car park!

OTL and I both knew what was in her mind, Home!

She stopped at the bottom of the path and turned around, pointed up the steps and said HOME!

 Then she legged it up the steps, so we had to follow and to be honest, I wasn't too keen on finishing the walk!

When we got to the car park, there she was, hiding around the back of the car to keep out of the wind. As we arrived she called out, 'Come on you two, it's cold here!'

Come on!
 Back in the car, OTL gave us a good rub down with our towel and started the car and switched on the heater!

There was another car that pulled into the car park and it had a big Alsatian type doggy that kept looking at us out of the rear window.

That was it, no Soppy Bozo eyeballs us! So I did my 'Don'tyoueyeballmeyouoldbagofhairandfleasorI'llcomeoverthereandfillyouin!' woof that normally works!

Me doing my woof!
 OTL turned the heater on full blast and drove off before we found out what the Bozo was going to do!

Back home it was Doggy Scoff, The Missus had put it all together before she left for her Village Crop.

So we left that alone and concentrated on trying to convince OTL he should get a couple of steaks out of the freezer and cook us a decent meal.

It didn't work!

Lunchtime we went out with OTL and ended up at the Doggy Shop! Oh that place is such a WONDERFUL place, the sniffs are beyond description and there are Bunnies in there you can buy!

OTL said that we would have to save up our own money if we wanted to buy a Bunny and on top of that, we would have to look after it and clean it out ourselves.

Look after it? Clean it? We wanted to eat it!

OTL said that would not be a good idea!

We got some cat litter and Ferret Nuggets for Snowflake and OTL got a couple of squeaky balls and another cat tease 'cos she has chewed the other one almost to bits!

Back home we all had a game with the new cat tease and Snowflake just loved it!

Tomorrow Snowflake says we can have a game with it, providing we don't chew it to bits!

Bye for now, see you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly & Snowflake


  1. Nice woofin Daisy... Poor Holly in the cold ...wicked OTL xxxx

  2. When is the warm weather going to come to stay for several days in a row? Shame about the steaks, it will have to be Doggie Scoff when it isn't your favourites, ah well, such is life. Hope you gave TM a big welcome when she returned to the fold because she is more likely to find some tasty morsels tomorrow. Keep warm and OTL is right you can't eat those rabbits in the Doggy Shop. xxx

  3. Hi Girls,

    well all I can add is that Holly has loads of Ferret Chicken treats to eat. XXX

  4. Blogger has changed back to how it used to be, when you click on a picture it comes up big on the screen and you have to back arrow to go back to the blog before viewing another picture. Did you know this???

  5. You chew it to bits, some hope that you won't......

    Remember not to get up early on these cold morning.
