Thursday, 23 April 2015

Is this an Invasion?

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles back with you again!

It's all been happening today, loads of running around by Old Two Legs, we have been investigating some worrying things and the big car got it's MOT certificate!

This morning Mr Brambles said he had an upset tummy and wasn't feeling like too much running about!

We think he was just trying to get the blanket and a cuddle!

Giving Mr B a Cuddle!
Down on the beach he had a run around on the sea weed and enjoyed a sniff!

Have a look at this sniff!
Then I spotted that fuel tank! It had come back!

Some things just don't know when to go!
That was not the only thing we saw! There, leaning against the Sea Wall, enjoying the sun shine was that Rope Thingy!

I mean, what a cheek!

Just catching some rays!
Well, we all woofed at him, even the ferrets joined in scolding him for being so rude!

OTL had to get home so we had to leave these intruders enjoying our beach!

Back home we got fed and OTL gathered up his bits and was off like a streak of light!

That was OK 'cos we had a snooze and managed to mug The Missus for a treat as well!

Lunchtime OTL was back and off we went again.

I was having a sniff when Holly came bounding along the Sea Wall!

Hey! Look what I've seen!
Down on the beach was another strange thing! It was yellow and round and it had bits sticking out the end.

I asked what it was doing here but it didn't answer me, I think it was just being rude by not answering me!

Oi! What you doing on my beach!
In the end I decided to leave it there and find OTL and tell him!

He's not moving at all!
We decided to leave him for the tide to sort out!

OTL had to go out again, so back we went to carry on our snoozing!

We had a telephone call to tell OTL to pick up the big car and the new MOT. So that means we are all set for the holiday. The caravan goes in for it's yearly service next week and when that comes back we will be busy packing all our stuff ready for the hols!

See you tomorrow and guess wot? OTL is off tomorrow doing another job, so we will be out walking with The Missus!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.


  1. Goodness Daisy, I think these are all fans turning up on your beach to meet you. What did you mug off of TM? Was it a bit of choccie she bought with her lottery win? I hope Mr Brambles is feeling better, he's only a little chap and we don't want him getting poorly, I'm sure Miss Snowflake will give him lots of cuddles. Sounds like OTL is in great demand at the moment. I hope TM takes you on nice walks tomorrow, you might have to promise her not to chase the bunnies though. Have a good evening and looking forward to hear what you get up to when TM takes you out. Love, licks and wags from little Arch xxxx

  2. That beach of yours is certainly attracting some unwanted attention, must be something to do with the Spring Tides, you are going to have to have a strong word with The Tide Master. The graffiti was sorted out but these stray beings are not wanted on your beach......! Well done on the big car getting A Certificate, more money spent but it could have been worse. So now I have gone back on your posts and am now ready and waiting for Tuesday. xxxx
