Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles here!
Wot a day it is today! It seems that everything has come all of a sudden on one day!
Now we knew it was Fathers Day today and Holly and I gave Old Two Legs a present each.
Holly had a bit of Rawhide Chew that she had been chewing and made all soft and soggy and she had hidden it under his pillow so he could have a chew before he got up this morning.
The only trouble was, he suffers from Hay Fever and first thing this morning he was in need of blowing his nose, so, he stuck his hand under the pillow, grabbed something soft and a bit damp, pulled it out and blew his nose!
Holly says that if he gives it a wash under the warm tap it will be OK for chewing later!
I decided that what OTL would really like is a big wet nose in his ear just before he wakes up good and proper!
So I did!
When he had got up and went in to say good morning to the ferrets, they both gave him a cuddle and a lick on the cheek, before scurrying off to fill the Poo Pot up some more!
It's a Ferret Thing!
Then we were off to The Beach!
By the time we got there, the ferrets had gone back to sleep in the travelling cage and it took a bit to wake them back up again, but, once they were awake it was full speed to the beach!
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Are we there already? |
I wasn't sure but advised she keep well away!
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Something Moved! |
Now this thing is strange, you know, it runs side ways!
Holly said nothing runs sideways, it's just that it has it's eating bits on it's side!
OTL said that it did in fact run sideways if it was in a hurry but under water it could walk in any direction but preferred sideways!
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OK, Who Did That? |
Snowflake said she would choose another rock to wee from in future!
Getting back to the car, we came across a couple of woofer on leads. That got Holly going, she started to woof and wind them up and the Two Legs with them was being pulled all over the place!
Naughty Holly!
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Go on then, you sort them out! |
He never got close to the garden though, he could only open the kitchen door for us to go out, but then sneezed, turned around and went back to the office!
Now we know that this is the Summer Solstice today and that means there is more daylight today than any other day this year, add to that OTL's hay fever and you can bet it is going to seem twice as long!
He did manage to get a picture of the painted shed, between sneezes!
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A Bit Darker Maybe? |
Lazy or wot?
Come lunchtime OTL took us down the Sea Wall and on the way, stopped in at the Co-op and got some new anti hay fever pills, so we will wait to see what happeneds tomorrow morning!
Today he remembered the Yellow Filter 'cos he reckons that Black & White doesn't affect his hay fever so much!
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A View Towards Essex. |
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No Food...........................No Strokes! |
They just never learn!
We got back home and watched the recording of the F1 race. Poor Hamilton, his bottom lip comes out when he doesn't get first place!
Never mind, he can try again in a couple of weeks at the Silverstone Circuit!
Now, we have heard that Bob (Auntie Chris's Husband) has been having some problems that means he has to go to the TL' vet.
I bet they give him some worming tablets and an injection, well they do that to us every time we have to go!
Keep yer Tail up lad, watch where they stick the thermometer and keep smiling!
Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles
Phew that's a lot happening today .......... if it's the longest day do we get more feeds? I bet OTL was over the moon with his lovely presents, I got my boy a bar of Dairy Milk, I might give him a good licking later if he leaves some crumbs round his mouth. Oooh that thing that Snowflake found in her rock pool has too many legs ........ anything with more legs should be avoided. Does it taste like chicken? I feel sorry for OTL and his hayfever, that's what made my boy poorly last week, it brought on his asthma, he says to tell OTL to try that prevalin stuff that you poke up your nose. I don't think I'd like something poked up my nose though. Way to go Holly, you tell them woofers it's your beach. I like the look of your shed, what a nice colour, can I cock my leg on it when I come down in a few weeks? Them clouds look very dramatic, you look like you're about to give in and give those TL's a quick stroke Daisy, now no weakening, you know Holly's rules. Sorry to hear that, that TL chap has to go to the vets, but you're probably right, a few worming pills and a quick injection will probably sort him out, don't tell him to keep his tail up though, that's when they get sneaky and in goes the thermometer, tell him to keep his tail firmly down. Have a lovely evening and hope we all get an extra feed for this long day. Love, licks, and tail firmly down while wagging little Arch xxxx