Friday, 30 June 2017

I got a Sore Poor Paw!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, it's Friday and the sun has come back again! We were out walking this morning and Old Two Legs even took his jacket off 'cos he was so warm!

The ferrets were not running, more of a steady amble along sniffing the sniffs and keeping an eye open for mouses!

A couple of days ago I went in for a 'Deep Paddle' and when I came out my back paw was hurting me. I couldn't put it on the ground so I lifted it up and sort of hopped along!

OTL noticed this and took a look at it but couldn't see any problems, so he cleaned the sand out of between the pads and off I went on all four paws.

It still didn't feel right but I was big and brave and carried on walking and even jumping up on OTL's lap.

Yesterday evening I was still limping every so often so OTL turned me on my back and took a good look at my paw again. He was poking about in between the pads looking for any grass seed that may have got stuck but he couldn't see anything, it was then he touched a sore spot which made me yelp!

He thought it may be a sprain or something and decided to keep an eye on me.

Today, down on the beach I was having a roll in a sniff when I suddenly yelped again!

OoooooH! That Hurt!
 That was it, out came the telephone and OTL had booked me into the vet tomorrow morning at nine fifteen for the vet to have a look.

I don't know how he is going to get near my paw if I won't even let OTL near it!

Maybe they will knock me out with some of what OTL calls 'Doppy Pills' the same one that Holly had to have when she first had a haircut!

I'll let you know what happens tomorrow!

Bye bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

It's The Two Bob Boys!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here!

Still no sunshine today but at least it hasn't rained!

Old Two Legs was up early, well, earlier than normal. I think it was maybe because I jumped on top of him and gave his ear a good 'Good Morning!' lick!

You know he tried to cover his head with the duvet but a silly thing like that wasn't going to stop me!

The ferrets were still asleep and so was Holly, so OTL had no one else to say hello to except The Missus and me!

Down on the beach we were having a good game of digging when we heard a load of woofing and howling and generally hooligan type woofing coming from further down the sea wall.

We weren't too sure just who it was so we all stood still waiting!

Just who the woofin' heck is that?
 It wasn't too long before they arrived!

Both woofing their tails off! They hadn't seen OTL for at least three weeks and were beginning to get worried!

Yo! OTL!
 Yes, it was the Two Bob Dogs!

That is, Marley and Dylan! They were all over OTL like a sniff and were giving him licks and rolling on their backs to get a 'Tummy Tickle'!

I don't care that they think OTL is wonderful, Holly and I both think they are Bozo's!

OTL has been working on his pile of papers and they have slowly disappeared until today when he reckons there is just a few hours to finish it tomorrow!

Lunchtime was fun. We have been able to go in for a dip at lunchtime over the last few days but today the tide was still out so all we had to play with was the sea weed.

Miss Wendy was ferreting through the rocks and stuff looking for the Nargles but again, they were in hiding!

Not a Nargle to be seen!
 Back home it was 'back to the Paper Pile' while Holly and I enjoyed a snooze on our 'Day Beds'.

OTL has got some special sausages tonight called Chorizo which are just super tasting and Holly and can't get enough, nor can OTL, so out share is always smaller than OTL's!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

So where is the sunshine?

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here!

When we were on holiday there was a heat wave going on down here in North Kent, now we are all getting rusty from the rain that is falling on us!

We had to delay the morning walk 'cos the rain was sloshing about and filling up the pond!

When we finally got out, May and Eric had great fun on the beach rolling in sniffs and hunting Nargles!

There is something so special about a roll in a sniff!
 Miss May stayed on the beach but Eric was off into the rocks hunting Nargles under the rocks.

At one time he wanted Old Two Legs to shift a rock or two 'cos he reckoned there was at least two Nargles hiding there!

Honest Boss, there are two Nargles here, honest!
 Before OTL could do anything we heard a load of woofing and down onto the beach came Barney and Prince, both of whom we hadn't seen for some time.

Yo! Holly Dog!
We all had a sniff and a chat about our holiday and the sniffs we found on the beaches. Barney was interested in the Nelly Fish 'cos we have never seen any on our beach, just plastic rubbish!

Back home the ferrets had a great time rampaging around the house and of course they all were tired out little ferrets by the time they had finished!

This is Freddy hanging out and Wendy trying to fall in!

Does my tail look big like this?
Talking about plastic rubbish, Holly Chops came across this bit of plastic on the beach. She reckoned it looked like a white ferret and was going to have a game but it rolled down the beach and into the water and, well, you know what our Holly Chops is like around water!

Oi! Ferret! Where's your legs?
OTL says that Archie Babe may be coming to see us soon, that will be fun. Loads of sniffs on the beach and of course, introductions all around!

Loads of sniffs!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

We are Home!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here!

We are Home!!!

Yes, we got back late yesterday afternoon and there was loads and loads of stuff to unload before we were allowed to go to bed!

Old Two Legs got us all home without any problems and we even managed to mug him for some of his 'Cheese Burger & Chips' we got in a road side cafe on the A1!

We had to go down the A1 'cos it was the shortest road home after we left Izzy's village early yesterday.

This morning we were all busting to get down to our beach and catch up on the sniffs we have been missing these last two weeks!

It's a 'Sniff Overload'!
 The ferrets were into 'Sniff Overload' before they even got to the beach! Holly and I took it all in our stride 'cos we have been been here before!

I was checking up and down the beach while Holly Dog sat on the sand looking at the sea!

It may not be a Scotland Beach but it's our beach!
 While we were on the beach Wendy and Freddy got interested in a plastic pot that some Two Legs had left there from their picnic on Sunday!

Freddy had a sniff and decided he would leave it and carry on down the beach. Miss Wendy decided to investigate it in more detail. The only problem was, she got her head stuck inside it!

She waved it from left to right and then gave it a good shaking before it finally came off!

Hey! It's stuck over my ears!
OTL has been working on a pile of post and stuff today trying to catch up on the stuff that came in over the holiday!

Poor lad, he will be working over the next few days to get it all sorted.

We are off to do some mugging 'cos dinner has been served, so bye bye for now.


Daisy, Holly Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Off to see Izzy and The Gang!

Yo Woofers!

It's us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret back south of the boarder!

Well, we are in fact south of Penrith in a tiny caravan site that if you didn't know it was there, you would have never found it!

It's a tiny village but it has a pub and a church and a few houses!

When we got there Old Two Legs had a bit of trouble parking the van 'cos there is just not enough room to swing the caravan in reverse without hitting one of the other vans, so, in the end we gave up and parked on the grass away from everyone!

It wasn't long before the youngsters arrived to say 'Hello'. There was Tommy, Genie and Lady!

Yo Woofers!
We all headed off for a walk across the farm land and past a sign that said 'Beware of the Bull'.....!

Well, we kept a close watch out but I think today he had gone off to see his mates down at the next farm!

While we were walking Old Two Legs took the ferrets out for a run in the field!

So much space, so much sheep poo!
 After lunch in the local pub and yes we managed to mug OTL for a couple of bits of his Cumberland Sausage!

Anyway, after lunch, we met up with Bella who just loves OTL!

One smart looking lady!
 Young Izzy was looking lovely and she gave OTL a big kiss 'cos she has always loved OTL!

Mrs Izzy, proud Mum!
 Over seeing everything is Mr Hamish, Lord of Everything, when the girls allow him!

Hamish doing what Hamish does best, looking for treats!
We had good fun woofing at the other dogs on the farm and blowing raspberry's at them from the safety of the caravan window!

Then there was the local woofers who passed our caravan on their walk, Izzy woofed 'Hello' but Holly Chops started doing the ole 'Grumbles'!

OTL told her to be polite and not to blow raspberries at them!

Shame, it's fun blowing raspberries at woofers!

It was lovely seeing them all again and soon it was time to say Bye Bye until the next time we visit.

Tomorrow we should be home but we may miss the blog, it depends on what time we get in!

So, Bye Bye for now and see you soon!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.

Saturday, 24 June 2017

And so into Gretna Shopping Centre!

See Yooo Woofers!

It's McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, Mac Freddy and Eric de MacFerret again!
We have arrived in Gretna and at the camp site we got put onto a 'Disabled Pitch'!
Holly said it was 'cos Old Two Legs is looking old and knackered! 
I said it was 'cos he limped to the reception after getting cramp in his foot!
Really it was 'cos there were twenty eight Dutch caravaners arriving and they all wanted to be together.....aaaaaah! 

Still we don't care, 'cos it is easier to get in and out of the site!

We left Carradale at eight this morning and as we were about to go the sunshine poked it's head past the clouds to wish us a safe journey!

See you again!
The Missus reckons that it would be a good idea to come back again next year 'cos she just loves the beach being so close to the caravan and she has a thing about poking the Nelly Fish with her boots!

Strange TL!

Next year we will try to get to get over to Gigha 'cos that is supposed to be just right for taking photos, which should keep OTL happy!

One thing we did notice down in Carradale was the bird life was so trusting! I mean, there was OTL folding up the awning from the caravan and there at his feet was a female Blackbird hopping along behind him searching for the worms! It was getting closer than the Robin who came to visit as well!

Tomorrow we will be dropping in to see Hamish and Izzy and The Gang which should be a load of fun and we have been promised a visit to the local woods for a sniff!

Then, on Monday it is off for home!

The ferrets say they are looking forward to getting back in their normal cage 'cos it has got more room than the travelling cages and of course, a rampage around the house!

See you all tomorrow, with some pictures of The Gang'.


McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, Mac Freddy and Eric de MacFerret.

Friday, 23 June 2017

OTL Super Man Strikes Again!

See Yooo Woofers!

It's McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, Mac Freddy and Eric de MacFerret again!
Well, wot a tale to tell!
Yesterday we had more water pouring out of the water pump, but from the wrong bit!
Seems that the cause was a Diaphragm failure, like it had split and instead of water heading up the pipe it was pouring over the floor!
You could swim up the carpet and there were some spiders doing synchronised swimming under the bed!

The Culprit!
 So, Old Two Legs spent some time on the computer and located a caravan accessory shop that had a pump in stock.

The only problem was, it was 130 miles away in Glasgow!

One telephone call and off went OTL to fetch the new pump. As you would guess, the pump made his wallet jump, in fact it very nearly had a heart attack!

Back he came and as soon as he got back, he installed to new pump and pretty soon we had water coming out of the taps and the job of drying the carpet could carry on!

We have used up all the towels and are now down to using rolls of kitchen paper towels to soak up the last of it all!

Well done that OTL!

So that is why I didn't do the blog last night.....................however.

Today is our last day here on the camp site and we have had a super time. Having the beach so close means we can enjoy walkies and swimming and sniffing and ferreting around all day!

Super! I heard OTL and The Missus talking about coming back next year!

Holly and I have been on the beach today having a last sniff.

I sniff a Tiddly Diddly Nelly Fish!
 Of course the ferrets have been enjoying their time in the grass and on the beach and poking their noses into all manner of holes!

I sniff a Nargle!
 Miss May has here favourite tree trunk she always sniffs every time she is on the beach!

I'm going to miss you!
 Holly and I have been hunting rabbits as well and although we have seen them, we haven't actually caught up with them!

Sniffin' for the last rabbit!
 Even the ferrets helped sniff for rabbits but we reckon that they wouldn't know what to do with them, even if they found them!

No, no rabbits here, just Nargles!
 Being the last day, I took the opportunity to have one last swim in the sea. Holly still refused to get her paws wet and instead had OTL chasing her up and down the beach to stop her rolling on the Nelly Fish!

Daring Daisy the Super Surfer!
TM and OTL are off out tonight for a meal at the local restaurant, they do some nice Haggis and Chips we have been told!

Tomorrow we are back in Gretna Green and it will be Plawn Clackers and a bottle of Giggle Juice then the next day we meet up with Hamish, Izzy and the gang!

Now that will be fun!

See you tomorrow!

McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, Mac Freddy and Eric de MacFerret again!

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Today is a 'Maintenance Day'!

See Yooo Woofers!

It's McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, Mac Freddy and Eric de MacFerret again!

Well, we were going out to some small island today but the clouds rolled in this morning so we have put the visit off for another day.

Mind you, that was a good thing 'cos we have found a leak in the water system right under our bed!

The 'Spare' and 'For Washing' towels were put to good use to soak up all the water that had flowed into the carpet!

While that was all happening, we got Old Two Legs to take us out for a walk!

Now, last night when we went out we went Two Leg Spotting, this is always a good game 'cos we look out for any TL that looks like OTL and The Missus, but older!

Holly was the first to go and spotted these two wondering where the ice cream van is!

I think I'll make a card!
 Holly reckons he is a dead ringer for OTL, except that he isn't tall enough!

Mind you TM wouldn't be seen dead in those shorts, no pockets for paint brushes and pots of glitter!

Holly decided to do her famous Nose Dive into the sand while OTL and I wandered along the sea shore.

Look! It's Meeee.......Super Holly's!
 I spotted another of the Woofer Fishes, OTL calls them the Rock Salmon or Dog Fish! 

A Dead Dog Rock Salmon Fish!
 I mean, it looks nothing like a dog, for starters it has no legs!

It was a bit further on that OTL pointed out a Stone Fish and after a good sniff, Holly said it was a Rock Fish, well, if OTL can have Rock Salmon then Holly can have Rock Fish!

Rock on Bro!
 We told the ferrets about the Rock Fish and when they went out, it was their turn to hunt it, only they didn't find it 'cos most of the time they were hiding behind the logs on the beach!

No Rocker Fish Here!
Back in the caravan, OTL was taking the water pump apart together with the piping and at the same time May and Eric were ducking and diving all over the place. Miss May's favourite
is to get under the bed by squeezing in between the mattress and the wall and finally fall into the space under the bed then she rushed down to the bottom of the bed space and back out onto the carpet, around the bathroom twice, knocking over the shower gel and back up onto the bed, ready to start again!!

OTL called her several names when she dived under the towels that he was using to soak up the leaked water!

Not that she cared, she even showed Eric how to do it and they had a fine time racing around the new 'Commando Course'!

This afternoon we had a whacking great thunderstorm with big flashes of lightening and great big bags as the rain came down in bucket loads!

I was a bit nervous but Holly, who just hates big bangs cuddled up to OTL on the seat and refused to move until the storm had passed!

There was the storm, banging and crashing and what were the ferrets doing?

Snoring their little tails off!

See you tomorrow!


McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, Mac Freddy and Eric de MacFerret again!

HEY! I've just been around the corner to where the Wi-Fi signal is better only to find the Internetty connection has failed! I mean, this is just too bad! Oh well, I think I'll go and have some dinner and wait until it all comes back again!

Look at this! It's gone nine and the Internetty has come back, do you think we would get a reduction 'cos it has been gone for so long?

No, neither do we!

See Ya Tomorrow!

Kissy Kissy!

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Funny Sunny Day!

See Yooo Woofers!
McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, MacFreddy and Eric de MacFerret here!
Well, we have had a super day here!
The ferrets have been out running around on the beach. Holly has been rolling in some really sniffy Nelly Fish and I've been getting in on the act as well 'cos I found a Nelly Fish all of my own!
It ended up with both Holly and I being tied to the water tap and getting a big splosh of water all over us, just to get rid of the Nelly Fish!
Me searching for my stick!
  As far as sunshine goes, this must be the best day this holiday, the sky was super blue and the hills of Arun really stood out above our beach!

It don't get better than this!
 Of course. Old Two Legs just had to try to get all artistic, you know, a bit like The Missus when she is doing her Master Class stuff!

Well, he could try to make a card but I don't think it will get any prizes!
 On our way around the beach we found a small crab trying to catch a few rays, just like Holly Chops!

Got any Factor 35 to spare mate?
 Back at the caravan OTL was catching up on his reading and I was sitting on his lap. TM picked up OTL's camera and did a snap of us together.

Then I saw what he was doing behind my head!
I look like a Pantomime Rabbit!

No cuddles for him tonight!

We are off now as dinner is being served and we got to sample that before settling down to the Doggy Scoff!

See you tomorrow!


McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, MacFreddy and Eric de MacFerret!

Monday, 19 June 2017

Is that Ailsa Craig?

See Yooo Woofers!
It's McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, MacFreddy and Eric de MacFerret!
Well, just for a change, the sun has shone, Old Two Legs says it is too hot and and both Holly and me have got rid of our Grumbly Tums! That means we can sneak a roll in one of those Smelly Nelly Fish that have landed on our beach. However, it does mean I get a cold wash under the water tap to get rid of the Nelly Fish from off my back!

A King Sized Smelly Nelly Fish!
The ferrets are really getting used to this beach and the sniffs and little Wendy is investigating every hole she can find!

I sniff Stoat!
Freddy says she should have been a 'Worker' and developed a taste for rabbit!

Rabbit Pie?
Now, there is an island that we can see from our beach and OTL, being a sort of clever old show off, he says it is Ailsa Craig. Now, we don't know Ailsa or her mate Craig but it is a funny shape, just like a pile of scoff! 

Can you see the Scoff Island?
 One of the good things about this camp site is the lack of Two Legs on the beach, I mean, we can run for miles and not see anyone and on top of that, we can wee anywhere we want!

I think I'll have a wee here!
 Mind you, that doesn't mean we don't get into trouble. Take old Holly Chops, she was on guard duty and was leaning out of the window when along came this big hairy Doberman woofer. Well, being all safe inside the caravan she gave it some serious woofing and of course, I joined in as well!

That looks like a woofer to woof at!
 It was going so well until OTL stepped in and we had to stop woofing, then we got banned to the cushions and didn't get any dinner until we had stopped woofing!

Don't blame me, I was only following your lead!
 Tonight there may be some clear sky and OTL has promised to get the telescope out and see if we can find any spacemen!

Claws crossed!

The Missus has been on FaceAche trying to get a caravan booking for Sunday night on our way home and we will get to see Hamish and the gang!

Now that will be fun!

See you all tomorrow!


McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, MacFreddy and Eric de MacFerret.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

It is all TM's Fault, Honest!

See Yooo Woofers!
It's McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, MacFreddy and Eric de MacFerret!
Sorry about missing yesterdays report but we had a little problem. You see, when we left home TM was supposed to load the caravan with some of our most popular DVD's. You know, James Bond and The Hobbit and Harry Potter. Well, she loaded some but not all and the ones she loaded were mostly Blu-Ray format, which our TV in the caravan can't play!
Now, Old Two Legs, being a clever old stick worked out that he had a DVD Blu-Ray player on his laptop, the same laptop we do our blog on!
OTL got the laptop all working and playing the DVD's but then he came to the clever bit. Noticing that the laptop had a HMDI output and the TV had an HMDI input, he connected them up and 'POW'!
We could see Blu-Ray DVD's on the TV
So, TM and OTL sat down to watch 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' and they wouldn't let me have the laptop for my blog!
So, it was their fault, especially that TM!
No cuddles for her!
So, today being Sunday and Fathers Day we have decided to forgive OTL and Holly and I are being very nice to him, loads of cuddles and licks and we even help him eat lunch and then dinner!

I'm not a 'Happy Puppy' missing my blog!
 Mind you, we did have some fun chasing spiders on the beach! Holly was trying to 'Pat' it by whacking it with her paw but the spider was just too fast for her! I gave it a good woofing just to let it know who was in charge!

It was then that he blew a big raspberry at us and disappeared down a hole!

Woofers don't scare me!
 Down on the beach we found a load of foam, Holly thought it was a Nelly Fish but a quick sniff told us it was sand foam!

A Foamy Nelly Fish?
 To get away from all the foam, we went up river where there was no foam but the water was too deep for swimming, so Holly and I went in search of rabbits!

OK, where are the Bunnies?
Today has been really lazy, just like holiday's should be, we went into town for a bit of shopping and sight seeing. OTL says that we will try to get over to see an island called Ghia or Gare or summat like that! All I can say is I hope there are some rabbits to chase!

See you all tomorrow.


See Yooo Woofers!
 McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, MacFreddy and Eric de MacFerret!

Friday, 16 June 2017

A Rainy Day in the Mull of Kintyre!

See Yooo Woofers!

It's McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, MacFreddy and Eric de MacFerret!
Today has been one of those 'Holiday Days' the ones that start out wet and get wetter as the day goes on!
Do we care? Nah!
As Old Two Legs says, 'We don't go to Scotland for the sunshine'!
After the morning chores of walking and cage cleaning OTL and us left The Missus finishing off the sample card for the next Master Class and headed off up the coast.
Holly, who has got a bit of a Grumbly Tum from poking around a dead sea gull, decided she needed to stop somewhere secluded so she can have an urgent poo!
It was lucky that we found a parking spot next to a beach with easy access, like, over some grass!
Holly went off looking for a good spot while I investigated the waves!
Come on Holly Chops this is just right for washing your butt!
 Holly decided that the ignominy of having OTL clean her butt with some 'Baby Wipes' was preferable to having he butt washed by the pounding waves!

The Isle of Arran was still looking very wet with low cloud!

It looked wetter over there than over here!
 A bit further on we noticed that the wind screen wipers had stopped, so with a quick woof in his ear, OTL parked up by another beach so we could have a run!

OK, this is OK but how do we get down?
 Of course, it was OTL who called us over to the path where we could get onto the beach for a roll in the sand and a wee!

We are miles away down the other end of the beach!
 Back we went to the rocks again and kicked up dome young Eider Duck who got Holly all excited and asking if they tasted like Chicken or a Seely Bed!

Here Ducky, come to Holly Chops!
 Pretty soon we were off again and this time we were heading back down the Mull of Kintyre and on the Atlantic side. The waves and the wind wasn't as fierce as before so OTL said we could stop at a beach where they do surfing. 

Surfing is where these Two Legs get all dressed up in rubber and try swimming out to sea on an Ironing Board, the, they stand up on the ironing board and try to fall off into the surf as close to the beach as possible!

OTL says that it is also known as 'Wild Ironing'!
Holly and I were standing on a rock watching this TL falling off the board when we heard a woofing coming from down the beach a bit.

Wot The Woofing Heck is That?
It wasn't long before this poodle type of woofer come bounding up and demanded a butt sniff!

Cheeky wottsit!

He started chasing us around until OTL picked up a rock and threw it into the waves and the soppy woofer tried to follow! That was, until his TL called him and put him on a lead, that was him sorted!

Will you tell your woofers I want a Butt Sniff?
After he got taken off the beach we had some fun climbing over the rock, that was until OTL slipped and landed on his back!

That will teach him to be a little more careful and not jump on the green stuff on the rocks!

Back home we had a snooze on the bed while the ferrets were allowed to have a rampage around in the caravan which they just love, especially charging in and out of the shower!

If the sun is out tomorrow we may head off to Campbelltown to see if there is a distillery that sells malt whisky for OTL!

See you tomorrow.


McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, MacFreddy and Eric de MacFerret.