Thursday 27 September 2018

Still no Internetty Thingy!

Hi Woofers!

Us again,McDaisy, MacHolly, McMay, MacWendy, Eric McFerret and Monty MacFerret.

Today has been fun, sort of.

We headed off into Oban equiped with all the computer gubbins, power suppy and the inverter that changes 12v DC into 230v AC so we can use the computer power supply.

Oban wasn't so crowded as yesterday and Old Two Legs found a parking spot on the pier. The Missus headed off to WH Smith to buy a book while OTL settled down to access the Internetty Thingy via the 'Free' Wi-fi.

Trubble is, all this free stuff needed a password! The free site got us access to the system but wouldn't let us into the Internetty and all the other Wi-fi spots wanted a password!

We was not happy!

Even when we went to the ferry terminal where they have free wi-fi access we couldn't get a strong enough signal, unless we joined the queue to get on the ship!

Tesco was the same, unless you went inside there was no way to use their wi-fi!

That was it, in the end we gave up and decided to go back to the caravan!

On the way back we stopped at the forest for a little run around but to be honest, we are used to flat ground and the path through the forest was mostly straight up, or if you were coming back, straight down!

We had some showers of rain, not much but there was one where the rainbow looked like it was going to land on us but right at the last moment the sun went behind the cloud and the rainbow went 'Poof!' and disappeared!

The ferrets had a little run out on the grassy patch and of course the neighbours came running out to Ooo! and Arr! all over them! With the exception of Miss May, all the others wanted to do was to get back in the caravan for a game of chase!

We have found out that one ferret suffers from OCD!

Yep, it's Eric de Ferret.

When we get the rubber balls and toys out for them to play with, Eric insists on getting all the balls and placing them in a line in the bathroom and woe betide the ferret who upsets his perfectly aligned toys!

We have got Doggy Scoff tonight but some stuff OTL found in the local village shop, don't taste too bad, in fact it is almost edible!

See you tomorrow, or sooner if we can find a signal!


McDaisy, MacHolly, McMay, MacWendy, Eric McFerret and Monty MacFerret.

1 comment:

  1. I don’t suppose Tesco sold coffee of OTL would have topped up his caffeine had has a play. Poor Eric, away from home and trying to get organised when all around everyone wants to disrupt him. xxxxxx
