Friday 6 September 2019

Nothing New!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again.

I know you all want to know if there is any improvement on the ferret front and I'm sorry to say things are at the Status Quo point. Screaming, attack and defence.

Last night The Missus heard the screaming and decided that by the time she got up the excitement would have died down, so she let hem get on with it and as suspected, it all went quiet after ten seconds or so!

Miss Wendy came out with us this  morning for a stroll along the sea front and spent some time cuddled up in OTL's arms, Mind you, she got down on the beach and waddled along the sea wall, up the stairs and straight into the long grass, her favourite bit of the walk!

Back home they had a little tussle and a scream or two but over all remained relatively peaceful. Eric got to bed first of all and when Wendy wanted to get in bed, well, that's when the fight started!

Eric spent the morning on the hammock!

Lunchtime he came out with us and enjoyed a roll and a dig on the beach while Holly went off to sniff at something smelly!

Back home OTL tried putting them in together, in the cuddle cup and as soon as there were signs of Wendy's mouth opening to scream, OTL stuck his hand between the pair of them and kept them apart.

It didn't last long 'cos Eric tried to jump over OTL's hand and give Wendy a little nip but OTL kept them apart.

Best of all, both ferrets refrained from mistakenly biting OTL!

Wendy kept possession of the cuddle cup while Eric was banned to the hammock!

Every so often Eric would poke his nose over the top of the cuddle cup and have a sniff, only to be met by a pair of very sharp teeth and a deafening scream from Miss Wendy!

You know we never had this trouble when we introduced her to Freddy de Ferret or Little Monty, still, we won't give up and the battles are not ferocious, just loud and noisy!

OTL says that is normal with the female of the species.

We're going to tell The Missus what he said, that means he will be in trouble again!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. No comment on OTL's comment about women (but I hope TM gives him whatfor!). LOL!

    Forgot to say how lovely OTL's photo's were on yesterday's post.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Yo maties. Well if I was OTL, first of all I'd pat myself on the back for being so wise, secondly, I'd take the cuddle cup out, if Miss Wendy won't share it, she should have to go without for a few days to see if that cures her of being territorial over it. I'm siding with little Eric cos he's a nice little chap and of course cos he's a he. Now I'd be very happy to share my bed with a nice lady woofer and I wouldn't scream at her or try to nip her butt. I think Eric is being a little gentleman. I'm guessing OTL will be wearing hairy undies for a few days. I know you and Holly chops would share your beds with me if I came to visit cos you were both always so nice to me. I've had a nice lazy day today until I got the hump with both my boy and my mum and I turned my back on them both. I can't remember wot they did to upset me but they did something. It's time for me to go to bed cos it's another day of getting up very early tomorrow. Hope the screaming stops soon and glad OTL didn't get nipped. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. They saw no news is good news and I suppose the fact that they haven’t torn each other or OTL to pieces is good news. Wendy is proving such a problem maybe she is thinking that one match making was bad, two match making was really awful and having to be matched again is something just too awful even although Eric is such a cute little chap. There is always tomorrow! Saturday coming up and our friends here are cooking us fried marmalade sandwiches for breakfast at about 9-30 am, they are delicious. xxxxxx
