Friday, 15 November 2019

Cold Damp and Windy!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Today has been one of those days when you just know that winter is coming. Take this morning, out we went for our morning walk and instead of balmy breezes what did we get?

Rain and wind!

We didn't hang about and soon we were back home having a snooze while Old Two Legs loaded the car up with stuff for The Missus.

Then off they went with TM waving to us who were watching from the bedroom window.

TM is off to a Craft Thing over the weekend and reckons she will be splashing the glue about plus the glitter and even buckets of ink!

I think it's a good idea that she goes on her own cos we don't fancy getting anywhere near her when she starts sploshing that lot about!

Lunchtime we went out again and it was still raining, never mind Archie Babe not doing wet, we don't do wet either!

OTL decided that it was a good idea the give iu a good brushing to get some of the tangled hair sorted before we get the wash and hair cut he has been promising us for the last two weeks!

Mind you, we won't have our hair cut so short as we do for the spring and summer!

Tonight OTL has promised us a carrot each and we plan to eat that on the sofa!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well I didn't have a walk today, I went by car instead. I'm on rest for the next week or so, so I can stay in the warm. Last night, just when my mum decided to let me out for my last wee, my leg hurt ......... lots ...... I couldn't put it on the floor, so as you've probably guessed I was whisked off to the RVC. Well after being there for 3 hours and a big bill for £148 they agreed with my mum, I was limping but they didn't know why, just that I wasn't limping as much after 3 hours as I was when I got there. I was sent home and told to rest and if I limped this morning to go to my own vet. Me and my mum didn't get to bed until nearly 1 this morning and we had to be up at 4. Well when my mum came home from work I was still limping so off we went to our own vet. I got pulled, pushed, prodded and poked. Then they clipped my nails really short. cos they say my paws turn at odd angles, wot a cheek. Well I've got to go back in the week for my medication check so if my leg isn't better they'll have another think. I think it feels a little bit better and I haven't limped on it this afternoon but who knows, I might feel the need for another visit for more fuss. I'm being very brave, I mean I usually am cos I'm just that type of chap and it's nice being lifted on and off the sofa. I wonder how Miss Izzy is doing. So you lot are having carrots on the sofa tonight, I bet there will be some singing as well. Hope Mrs TM has a smashing time, I'm sure she will. Hope you both and OTL enjoy your feet up this evening, sometimes it's nice cos you can get up to allsorts when there's no Mrs TM's around. The weather here is wet and windy as well, not at all nice so I'm making the most of staying in the warm. Have a lovely weekend all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (soldiering on) Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Firstly sorry about Archies limp, secondly sorry for his mum with the big bill and thirdly sorry for the impending hair cuts. The weather has been awful all day, fortunately I haven’t needed to go out and when Margaret arrived at 2-30 pm from three doors away she was all dressed up with hat, gloves, scarf and hood and we put the hall light on so she could see to take her coat and shoes off. I don’t do miserable dark weather! Tomorrow we are going to a Christmas Fayre so I hope it will be bright and we find some little things to buy, no carrots I suppose but you never know. I hope TM has a lovely time making creations to bring home, have a lovely nibbly evening, you can eat the carrot crumbs tomorrow with the biscuit crumbs although I expect there will be two more four paws willing to help. xxxxxx
