Wednesday 11 March 2020

All the Seasons in one day!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

You know, we miss having Old Two Les around but Imust say, it is peaceful having just The Missus to cope with. I mean, we get our walks on time and she doesn't keep shouting to us to 'Keep Up' when we want to hang back for a good sniff or two!

The weather has been kind to us today, a bit cloudy but what rain there has been, we missed and the heavy stuff came over night!

We had news from OTL  who together with Alun went off searching for Golden Eagles. The B&B owner said that she see's a Golden Eagle nearly every day coming from the 'Ben' across the bay and we should camp out in the car to watch for it.

Well they did and they sat and they sat and they sat and finally OTL fell asleep!

No Eagles!

Off they went to the Cuillins which are 'Bens' and as they were covered with snow OTL thought he could get a picture or two. Well, the mountains were grey and the snow was grey cos there was no sun shining and the clouds in the ske were grey. Not the most successful landscape photography he has undertaken!

One thing they did have was 'Seasons' in fact they had all of them in one hour, sun, wind and rain, rain, sleet and finally, snow!

Here comes the snow!
 Snow, and it's only March!
Followed by the sun!
there they were thinking of putting on the sun glasses when.............
Then it was rain.
 There was a terrible rushing sound followed by.........

Finally the snow arrived!
You know, I reckon that being at home here in the warm, covered with a blanket and getting cuddles from TM could be better than exploring the Isle of Skye!

They have one more day up there then they are heading back on Friday so that mean I will have to let him have his bed space back again and Holly and I will get squashed together again!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Smashing pictures of the weather. You know Daisy, OTL doesn't type as good as you. Still I spose it's better than not getting your news. Poor OTL not seeing any eagles unless they were watching him and didn't come out until he dozed off. I bet you & Holly chops are really enjoying all the space on the bed, maybe you should stake your claim & keep the space when OTL comes back. We've had a dry sunny day but still quite windy. I met little Alfie when I went on my walk this morning. We had a good chat about the sniffs. My mum has to go to work in the morning cos someone is off sick so that means we don't get our lay in, boooooo hisssssss. My mum went shopping this morning and couldn't believe they had not 1 toilet roll in Waitrose, luckily we aren't desperate. My mum says if we get desperate, she'll visit all the local pubs and nick there's. My mums always got a plan. I had my broccoli stalk this morning, fresh from the shop, it was really delicious and crunchy. Glad you're not being harassed on your walk. Won't be long before OTL comes back, hope he has a good journey. Don't forget the treats OTL. Have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags & sniffs from little Arch & the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Terrific weather/scenic photos. Well done OTL. Shame about the eagle.

    Hugs, Sarn xx
