Wednesday 10 June 2020

Wet and Soggy!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

First of all, Holly has got over her Grumbly Tum, I know that 'cos last night she ate her dinner and then tried to eat mine!

That was until Old Two Legs stopped her!

Every time we decide to go out today, guess wot?

Yep, it was raining!

We even put on our big harness that helps stops the rain and wind.

Mind you, Holly always suffers from the wind, or rather Holly has the wind and the rest of us suffers!

We didn't take the camera with us, so, no pictures today!

After our walk we head off to the bedroom for a snooze while OTL cleans the ferret cage. It is then that both ferrets come out for a rampage around the house. Eric chases Wendy and when he gets tired, she starts to chase him!

OTL often finds them both rolling around on the floor in play fighting or 'Pretend Courtship'. Trouble is, once Eric has Wendy by the back of the neck and him with both paws wrapped around her, he stops cos he doesn’t know what's next!

It's then that she wriggles loose and runs away, slowly, so he can catch her again!

All this running around makes them both tired and after Wendy goes back to bed, Eric and OTL have a game of chase with the rubber squeaky ball.

OTL throws the ball along the hall way and Eric chases after it, grabs it and runs back so that OTL can take it away and throw it down the hall way again.

That goes on until Eric hides the ball in the drawer in the office and then heads off to the cage for a snooze!

It's all go in this household!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well I'm pleased to hear Holly chops is over her grumbly tum, now the thing with grumbly tums is that you always feel hungry when you feel better. I know this cos I'm always hungry even when I haven't got a grumbly tum. My mum tried to get me to go out for a walk today but I said no, I wasn't going to get wet. Even when she opened the back door for me to have a wee, I turned round and went back to my sofa for a snooze. I watched my mum in the garden a couple of times from the safety of the back door but I wasn't going to get rained on. I've mastered the art of speed weeing. My mum went off to do a big shop this morning as was surprised she didn't have to queue to get into Waitrose, but then I wondered who on earth is daft enough to go shopping at the crack of dawn. We watched Mrs TM and do you know, my mum has ordered stuff to fling some glue at, now that means I have to go without treats if she spends her dosh on crafting stuff. Glad to hear Eric and Wendy had a good game, just think, it wasn't really that long ago that Miss Wendy was showing her teef to that Eric chap. My mum didn't get any crafting done today, after shopping she did a bit of washing and ironing then sat down for a cuppa and fell right off to sleep, so I decided to have a snooze curled up with her. It's been a lazy sort of day wot with the weather being a bit miserable. Never mind, I don't mind have a nice snooze in the warm and dry. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Guess I was lucky then, as I managed a short walk in the evening in the dry. Was raining on and off all day tho.

    Glad everyone is feeling better and having fun xxx
